Being the one who’d pulled the trigger on an attacker was not as exciting as everyone seemed to think. There was still guilt. But Xavier wasn’t alone any more than she had been when she’d killed Chelsea’s husband.
“Thank you, Willa Mae,” Molly said. “What kind of law do you practice?”
Burke had told her that Willa Mae Collins was an attorney when he’d run her plates earlier that afternoon, but he hadn’t mentioned her specialty.
“Retired a few years back,” the older woman said, “but I’ve seen my share of courtrooms over the years. I was a Harris County prosecutor, then worked the other side as a public defender, so Xavier’s in good hands. Xavier, you only answer what is asked. Stick as close to yes and no answers as you can. If things look bad, I’ll call an end to things. And even if your involvement is discovered, you were well within your rights. He invaded your home. But let’s avoid a courtroom if we can, okay, boys?”
Xavier, Carlos, and Manny nodded. “Yes, ma’am,” they said in unison, even though Xavier didn’t appear to be convinced.
Quiet descended again for the next minute and a half, until Joy pushed the door open, piloting her wheelchair into the room. She backed up so that she was still in the room, but out of the main path.
Behind her was André Holmes, a Black man with a kind face and a linebacker’s shoulders. Molly had always liked him. Had always trusted him. Today she hoped her trust was well-placed.
“Can I come in?” he asked.
Burke rose to greet him with a handshake. “I hope you have good news for us.”
“A little good, a little not so good,” André said. He looked at the group at the table and nodded. “I’m Captain Holmes, NOPD. You must be Xavier and Cicely Morrow.”
They nodded and said nothing.
André didn’t seem to be bothered by their silence. “I understand that you’re Carlos and Manny Hernandez and you, ma’am, are Willa Mae Collins? I hope that you all are recovering from the excitement this afternoon. It had to have been scary.”
Xavier and his mother had relaxed a little on seeing Captain Holmes. Carlos still looked ready to defend Xavier. Gabe was very, very still. Barely breathing.
Molly could feel the fine tremble of Gabe’s hand in hers. Please give us some answers, André. Please.
“We’re okay,” Xavier said, his voice a little unsteady. “It was scary, especially when I realized that the man who’d called me wasn’t Mr. Lott.”
“I can imagine.” André sat next to Burke and folded his hands on the table. “Molly, always a pleasure. And Gabe, I was so sorry to hear about your father. He was a good man and a good cop. He’ll be missed.”
“Thank you,” Gabe murmured.
“Now that introductions are done, I’ll tell you what I know so far, and then I have some questions, if that’s okay.” André waited for Xavier and his mother to nod. “All right. We have Cornell Eckert in custody. We recovered several firearms from his vehicle. None were legally registered. We haven’t yet asked him about why he was following you, Xavier. We wanted to get information out of the Paul Lott impersonator before we let Eckert know that we suspect he was hired to kill you. Eckert’s been charged with possession of illegal firearms and attempted assault, as one of my officers witnessed him pointing a handgun at Miss Sutton when she was cutting him off from following you to the exit. Molly, were you in front of him at any time?”
Molly nodded. “Yes, when we first entered the interstate from the gas station. He could have noted my license plate. I suppose he could have run my plates or had someone else do it.”
“We’re checking his phone. We were able to get him before he could toss it into the river, thanks to your heads-up, Burke.”
“Is he talking?” Burke asked.
“Nope. Lawyered himself up. LeRoy Hodges, fancy defense attorney right here in the Quarter.”
“That’s interesting,” Burke said. “Hodges usually takes the big cases. Rich clients. Who’s paying his bill?”
“That’s one of the things we’re going to find out. That’s the good news.”
Xavier stiffened. “What’s the not so good news?”
“The driver of Paul Lott’s BMW got away.”
Protests rang out around the table. Only Molly and Gabe remained silent. Gabe’s hand tightened on hers, squeezing so hard that it almost hurt. He’d paled, his lips a straight line. She covered their joined hands with her free hand, and he gave her a resolute nod.
He’d be okay. Molly would make sure of it.
“What the hell?” Burke was thundering.
“Oh my God,” Cicely said as Willa Mae grabbed her free hand and held it tightly.