Page 9 of Ask Me To Stay

Chapter 4

Present Day- Summer 2001


The drive didn’t seem as long as it did when we were kids. Aimee was reclined back in the passenger seat with her feet on my dash, popping gum as she read the latest Cosmo quiz to me.

“This says you should be a social worker.” Her head rolled to the side with a ‘well?’ expression.

“I kinda am.” I laughed. Do you remember middle school? Think about all the problems you thought you had and then multiple that times like one hundred and thirty kids. That’s my day.” I laughed again. “In addition to making sure they’re actually learning something, I have to navigate through all the social stuff too.”

“I guess Cosmo doesn’t really know what teachers do then, huh?” She tossed the magazine in the back seat, and sat up. “Look at the view.” She put her window down, and the smell of salty air filled the car. We were just a few blocks away, and you could see the waves crashing in the distance. “This is going to be great. Sun, swimming, and guys.” She clapped happily as I made the final turn.

“I don’t know about guys.” I sighed.

“You’re single, and ready to mingle. We’re getting you laid this week.” She grinned and I rolled my eyes. As we drove past the Bradshaws’ I noticed a car in the drive. I wondered who was down here, and if it was someone I knew.

“Isn’t that Casey’s house?” Aimee pointed.

“Yeah, we’re not talking about him. I’m sure he’s got a baby now, and probably looks better than ever.” I turned into the drive of my parents’ house, and cut the engine. “We’re here.”

“It looks the same.” Aimee climbed out and stretched.

“That’s because my parents never did anything to change it. Probably why they haven’t been renting it. It’s dated, and old.” I secretly wondered how bad it would be inside. I haven’t come down here since high school. College kept me busy and between David and work, I just never found the time.

“Think that green carpet is still in there?” Aimee snickered.

“I’m sure it is, along with that tacky table that my mom found at the flea market.” I grabbed my bags out of the back, and began dragging everything up the steps. After unlocking the door, we stepped inside, and it was like going back in time. Nothing was changed.

“I feel like I just walked into the Brady Bunch house.” Aimee glanced around.

I started opening the blinds while Aimee brought the rest of our stuff upstairs. The air conditioner made a coughing noise when I turned it on, and the place needed a good dusting. I texted my mom to let her know that we had arrived, and thanked her again for letting me have the place for the week.

“We need food,” Aimee announced when she brought the last bag up. “Like tons of junk food, ice cream, and beer.” She opened the refrigerator and then motioned to me. “See, no food.”

“No one has been here in a year. Anything in there would be disgusting now.” I shook my head before carrying my stuff into my old room.

“Wait, you’re sleeping there.” She motioned to the door.

“It’s my room.” I looked at her, confused. I always slept in there. She always took the pullout bed when she came with us.

“We’re the only ones here and you’re taking the twin bed? Hello, Willow, welcome to being an adult where you can sleep in a grown-up sized bed.” She pointed to my parents’ room.

“I am not sleeping in my parents’ bed.” I curled my lip.

“Fine.” She grinned. “I will. Let’s see you explain this when we bring some guys home.” She bounced away before I could respond.

I had no intention of bringing a guy back here. It was bad enough bringing my best friend to this time warp of a house, but a date? No way.


“When did food get so expensive?” Aimee tossed another bag of chips in the cart.

“We buy food at home all the time. This is the beach. Everything costs more here.” I laughed as she held up two pints of ice cream.

By the time we reached the checkout, we looked like two six-year-olds who’d been given free rein in a candy store. I think we had some actual healthy food somewhere, but it was mostly junk. “I think we’ve got enough sugar here to keep us going for at least a few days.” Aimee grabbed some Twizzlers as I placed the bags in the back of the car.

“I think we’re going to be sick if we eat all this.” I laughed. “Wanna grab a pizza and take it back to the house? We can eat on the deck, and enjoy the evening.”