Page 46 of Ask Me To Stay


“This is nice.” I sighed as I snuggled into Russ’s side. We’d pushed the loungers together just like he’d suggested, and brought a blanket outside. Casey had begrudgingly gone upstairs to his old room, and disappeared for the night. It was cool out, but comfortable, and the sound of the waves in the background made for a romantic evening.

“It is nice. I hate that we only have a few more days of this.” He looked away before turning back and placing a light kiss to my forehead.

“We can come back on school breaks. It’ll be our special spot. Well, as long as your parents are ok with it,” I clarified.

“They won’t care. They hardly ever use the place anymore.” He stared out at the water. “It’s not fair that we have to spend all this time apart. My bed’s gonna feel empty without you in it.” He pouted.

“I know. I don’t like it either, but we’ll make it work. If we can’t…” He stopped me by placing a finger to my lips.

“We’ll make it work,” he finished.

“So, three more days.” I rolled on my side and buried my nose in his shirt. “I need to get my fill of this smell so I can remember it when I’m home.”

“Here,” Russ lifted his shoulders off the lounger, ripped his shirt over his head, and handed it to me. “I’ll buy you my laundry soap too.” He offered a half smile, but I knew he was just as sad as I was.

“Thanks, but it won’t be the same.” I frowned.

“Then we’ll have to give it a new memory. Sit up.” He motioned for me to lift up.

“What are you doing?” I watched as he lifted my shirt over my head, and replaced it with his.

“Making new memories for this shirt.” He winked as he tugged at my shorts. Once he had them off, he rolled so he was hovering over me. As his lips met mine, his hips rested lightly against me. I could feel him getting harder, and I let him sweep me away in this new memory he was creating.



I was right in the middle of the best dream I’d had in a long time, when something cold started dripping on me. I swatted at it, and rolled to the side, forgetting that Willow and I slept outside last night. My arm was met with air as I reached out, and I almost lost my balance, falling onto the deck. I heard a snicker, and I slowly blinked against the morning sun.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Casey was smiling down at me with this shit eating grin.

“What are you doing?” I groaned as I stretched and remembered that I was right on the edge of the lounger.

“Nothing.” He kept smiling. It was then that Willow started to stir.

“It’s too early for this,” she grumbled, and that’s when Taco joined the party. He barked a few times, and Casey let him outside, but before I could get up, I was doused with ice cold water.

“Pay back’s a bitch,” Casey mused as a second container was tossed in Willow’s direction.

“You are dead!” Willow screeched as she attempted to spring up after him. The blanket we were sleeping under tangled around her legs, causing her to fall unceremoniously to the ground. Feet in the air, bruised ass, and hand catching her landing.

“She’s right. You’re dead.” I jumped up a little more cleanly, and rushed after him toward the deck stairs. As he ran down to the sand, I gave up and went back to help Willow up. Taco thought it was all a game, and was playing tug a war with the blanket, which was still twisted around Willow’s legs.

“Help me,” she whined as Taco began licking her face.

“This is war,” I growled as I pulled Taco back and offered my hand. I helped Willow to her feet, and surveyed the damage. There was a small scrape from where the lounger got her leg, but it wasn’t too bad. It was more the awakening we received that pissed me off. “When he comes back, I’m going to beat his ass.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.” Willow rolled her eyes.

“I’m not. It’s a promise.” I led us inside.

“And how are you going to promise that?” She lifted her chin as if to say she didn’t believe me.

“Can’t leave without these.” I grinned as I held up the keys to his SUV.

“So, now that we’re up…what do you want to do?” She picked at my wet shirt that I was just now noticing was clinging to her boobs.