Page 44 of Ask Me To Stay



This was fucking hilarious. I pushed the vacuum around angrily as I watched Willow lay the foundation to this prank. I couldn’t tell what she was saying, but I saw my brother’s body language and knew he was worried. This was going to go down in history as the best ever.

The house needed to be cleaned anyway, so it wasn’t as if I was wasting my time, I just wish I could hear them. I put the vacuum away, and grabbed the grill cleaner. As I carried the brush and spray over to the deck, I put my game face on. I flung open the door in a rush, and glared at Willow. “Of course, you’re out here with him.”

“Where else would I be?” She stood and narrowed her eyes. “You don’t believe me, so I might as well go with it. Casey and I are going to run away together.” I had a hard time not laughing at that. I turned away so my brother wouldn’t see the grin tugging at my lips.

“That doesn’t surprise me.” I shook my head. I watched as Willow moved to sit right beside him. He popped up so fast he almost dropped his beer.

“I’m going to go down to the beach to give you two some time to talk privately.” Casey swallowed as he motioned to the steps that led down to the sand.

“You don’t need to do that,” Willow offered as I said, “good,” at the same time. Willow and I stared at each other, anger radiating off us. Casey jogged down the steps, rushing away as fast as he could. I put the cleaning supplies down as both Willow and I slipped inside. We couldn’t get caught until we decided to let the ruse go.

As the slider closed behind us, we both burst into laughter. I pulled her close and planted a deep kiss to her lips. “I can’t yell at you, and then not apologize for it even if it is a fake mad,” I whispered. “This is harder than I thought it would be,” I muttered.

“But so much fun.” She giggled. “You think we have time to make out a little before he comes back?” She peered over my shoulder to see if she could see where he was.

“Eh, we can try.” I tugged her against my chest, slanted my head, and connected our mouths. When she let out a little groan, I plunged my tongue in. It didn’t matter then if he caught us. I needed this.