Page 40 of Ask Me To Stay

“We’re turning into the driveway,” he panted. “Let’s finish this inside.” He pushed at my head, but I doubled my efforts. “Come on, Willow. I wanna fuck you.” He begged as he attempted once again to stop me. I smacked him away, and sucked harder. “Shit! Fuck! I can’t stop it! Fuck!” He lifted his hips just as the flood gates opened, hitting the back of my throat.

I gave him a minute before a let him slip from my mouth. I licked a few more times, just to make sure I didn’t leave a mess. “You can still fuck me.” I grinned, but I needed to finish the job. I opened my door, and climbed out. As I turned around, I grabbed my stuffed pig, and really looked at Russ. He was sated beyond measure. Leaning back against the seat, a goofy smile on his face, shorts still hanging open, and his dick was coming back to life. “I’ll see you upstairs.” I smiled as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “Don’t take too long.” I turned, and bounced a little as I walked up the front steps. I knew he was watching, so I made sure to really sway my hips. The best thing about this nostalgia night… It’s going to end with more than a kiss on the cheek.



It took a few minutes for my head to clear. I’ve been stuck in a perpetual haze of bliss for over a week now. Every time I think she can’t surprise me more, she does something like this. The thought of going upstairs and banging her brains out has my softening dick slowly coming back to life. It was difficult, but I managed to fold him back into my shorts. Now, I’m trying to decide how long I’m going to make her wait. Waiting makes it so much better, but I’m punishing myself too.

After maybe two minutes, I give up and get out of the truck. I stared up at the steps, picturing her swaying ass ascend them just moments before. I wondered what she was doing inside. The lights were on, but I didn’t see any movement through the windows. I smiled as I reached the door and slowly turned the knob. It was quiet inside, and as soon as I stepped over the threshold, I was met by Taco. “Where is she, boy?” I glanced around, soon spotting the tee she’d been wearing lying on the floor near the couch. I grabbed it, and held it to my face. It smelled like her. Taco barked, and I saw her shorts over by the bedroom door. “She left a trail of breadcrumbs.” I chuckled as I made my way to the bedroom. Right inside the door was a bra, and as I moved closer to the bed, I found her panties.

“Took you long enough,” she almost yelled, causing me to jump. If I’d been thinking straight, I’d be naked already, but after that episode in the car, I was a little muddled. “You have entirely too many clothes on.” She wagged her finger at me, and that put me into motion. I ripped my shirt over my head, and practically fell onto the bed as I attempted to get my shorts off. I kicked my shoes to the side, and shoved my boxers to my ankles.

“What was that?” I grinned as I climbed up beside her.

“I’ve been waiting forever. I need you to rock my world now.” She flicked her wrist, a condom pinched between her index and middle finger.

“I can do that.” I wagged my brows as I tore open the packet with my teeth. “I’ll rock it and then some.” I slipped the rubber over my cock, and then proceeded to roll next to her. “Where have you been all my life,” I whispered as I leaned closer.

“Right here.” She smiled as she lifted her head, pressing her lips to mine.



Waking up beside Russ is probably one of life’s greatest treasures, at least for now. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do when I have to go back home. We only have two more weeks, and then it’s the long-distance thing. I honestly don’t even know what that’s going to look like.

“How about breakfast at The Pancake House?” Russ smiled from where he was staring at me from his pillow.

“Pancakes sound great!” I did a little happy dance as I sprung from the bed.

“I must have not done a very good job last night if you’re walking that well this morning.” He gave me an eye.

“You did fine, but you can try again later if you want.” I shrugged before grabbing some clean clothes, and practically skipping into the bathroom. A shower was needed, and I was starving.


“There’s like a bazillion minigolf places around here now. Do you want to go to the old one, or try something new?” I held a forkful of pancake to my mouth as I stared across the table a what could only be describe as enough food to feed a whole family.

“I like the old place.” He chewed a piece of bacon thoughtfully. “Besides, I know I can beat you there.” He grinned.

I laughed, “How can you eat like that, and look like that?” I watched him finish his fourth pancake.

“Look like what?” He glanced down at his perfect abs.

“Hot.” I sighed. “How can you look hot like that, and eat all those carbs? I can’t eat like that unless I wanna kill myself in the gym.” I frowned as he picked up the bacon on my plate.

“I burn a lot of calories keeping you satisfied.” He gave me a cat ate the canary smile. “My girl has needs. I like to meet them. It causes me to burn a lot of calories. Eh.” He shrugged before finishing his toast, and then pointed to the last pancake on my plate. “You plan on finishing that?” He licked his lips as I pushed my plate toward him.

“Go ahead.” I laughed before polishing off my juice.


After finishing breakfast, we drove to Fablefair Minigolf. Each hole had a different fairytale theme. My favorite was the Old Woman in the Shoe, but Russ liked the Jack and the Beanstalk one. I think the only reason he liked it was because I stopped shooting after six strokes, and he got it in two. “How’d you get so good at this?” I grumbled as I was again struggling. We were halfway through the course, and there was no chance in hell I was beating him.

He chuckled as he watched me. “You know my family spent the entire summer here each year, right?”

“Yeah.” I drug the word out.