Page 38 of Ask Me To Stay

“You’re weird.” I laughed, and then reached up to cup his cheek. The ocean breeze was swirling around us, and the lights from the Ferris wheel made it look as if we were glowing. When Russ finally looked at me, I smiled, and then leaned in and brushed my lips over his. It took a second for him to react, I’m guessing it was the paralyzing fear and all, but he soon came to life and moved closer.

“You said you loved me again,” I whispered against his lips, “when you got on here.”

“I do love you.” He smiled and then went back to kissing me. I was missing the view, but this was so much better.

My hair fluttered around my face with each rise and fall of the cart, and the longer we were there, the deeper and more intense the kiss became. My fingers threaded through his hair, tugging it as he gently bit my lip. Our tongues twisted around each other as I turned and attempted to get closer. By the time our ride was over, my lips were swollen and red from the small amount of scruff from lack of shaving today. “Feel better?” I grinned as we came to a stop. The guy running the ride smiled at us as if he knew exactly what was going on in our cart. I secretly wondered if we’d gotten an extra-long ride since we were making out.

“Much, but I worked up an appetite. Let’s go get some food.” He entwined his fingers with mine, and began leading us toward the food vendors. “So, what’ll it be?” Russ stopped in front of four food stalls.

“Corndog.” I nodded.

Russ’s lip curled. “Really?”

“We’re doing nostalgia tonight, right? So, corndog.” I shooed him in the direction of the corndog stall.

“Ok.” He laughed. We waited in line for a few minutes until the vendor produced the best dinner ever, and handed me a corndog. I took it as I smiled gleefully, and bounced over to the condiment table. After covering it in a sufficient amount of mustard, I took a giant bite.

“Mmmm.” I sighed as I came back to where Russ was waiting. “You didn’t want one? You used to love these, too.” I crinkled my brow.

“I’m thinking something bigger.” He glanced around and then decided on a turkey leg.

“That’s huge.” I stared wide eyed at the giant leg of meat. I’d finished my corndog at this point and was ready for something else. “Why don’t you find us a table to sit at, and can I have some money for more food?”

“More?” He laughed. “Sure. What do you want now?”

“Dessert.” I beamed as the thought of a funnel cake filled my head.

“You’re crazy.” Russ chuckled as he handed me his wallet, and shook his head. “Don’t spend all that in one place.”

“I just might go on a spree now.” I smirked as I turned and half walked, half bounced, over to the fried food stall. They had everything, and the longer I stood there, the harder it was to decide what I really wanted.

“Can I help you?” The girl at the window smiled at me.

“Uh, yeah. I need deep fried Oreos and a funnel cake with powdered sugar.” I opened Russ’s wallet to get a ten out and noticed a small piece of paper. It looked old, and was wrinkled.

“That’ll be eight fifty.” The girl brought me out of my thoughts. I paid and then stepped to the side to wait for my order so the next person could order.

I glanced over to see Russ eating. He had his back to me. I debated for a short amount of time on whether I should snoop or not. Part of me was curious what it was, another part of me said if he wanted me to know, he’d tell me himself, but he gave me his wallet. He’d have to know I’d see it.

“Fuck it.” I opened the wallet, and pulled out the paper. It looked like an old receipt, but I couldn’t tell where it was from. The printing was worn and faded. I flipped it over, and figured it out right away. It was a score card from mini golf. I remember the night vividly. Russ and I had ridden our bikes up to the minigolf after dinner. We’d played before, but this was the one time I beat him. He’d felt bad, and I kissed his cheek to make him feel better. It wasn’t a romantic kiss, at least for me, but I remember him blushing. I can’t believe he’s kept this all those years. As I was slipping the card back in his wallet, my order came up. I grabbed the sweet treats, and started carrying them back to the table where Russ was sitting.

“That took a while, huh?” he mused as he tore a piece of funnel cake off.

“Eh, at least it’s fresh.” I shrugged as I blew on an Oreo to cool it before taking a bite. The longer we ate, the more it bothered me that I’d snooped. “Can I ask you something?” I sighed.

“If this is about riding that wheel again, no.” He shook his head.

“No.” I laughed. “Don’t get mad,” I warned. “What’s with the card in your wallet? Why’d you save that?”

Russ’s head dropped and he nodded as if he’d done something wrong and got busted when I was the one snooping. “I forgot that was in there,” he murmured. “It’s been so long, and I never expected you to have my wallet, let alone be with me.” He looked off in the distance as if he was gathering his thoughts and trying to put things in a way he could explain them to me. “Do you remember that night?”

“Yeah. It was the only time I beat you. Is that why you saved it?” I was confused.

“No.” He chuckled. “You kissed me that night. I know it wasn’t romantic, and you were being friendly, but in my fifteen-year-old brain, it was a kiss from the girl I liked. I wanted to remember that night forever. I assumed you’d be ‘the one who never was’. You don’t understand how bad I wanted you. Any little bit of attention I got was a treasure.” He turned away as if he was embarrassed.

“That’s sweet.” I smiled as I tore off a piece of funnel cake and held it up to his mouth. “We should do minigolf tomorrow. I’ll give you more than a kiss.” I grinned and his eyes flared.

“I’m hoping I’ll get more than a kiss tonight.” He winked.

“Ummm, maybe.” I giggled. “First you gotta win me something. You promised.” I wagged my finger at him as I popped a piece of funnel cake in my mouth.

“Let’s finish this, and then we’ll get you a prize.” He took a bite of Oreo, and then we both scanned the pier for a game he could win.