Page 36 of Ask Me To Stay

“I packed in preparation for only a few days. I don’t have a ton of options and I’m not wearing a dress to do that ladder thing.” I rolled my eyes as I slapped at his shoulder. “What do you mean we need an ATM?”

“Those games, at least the ones with decent prizes, aren’t cheap and I won’t win on the first try. I need money. One of those two-dollar stuffed animals is probably going to run me closer to fifty.” He laughed as we went into the bedroom.

“But I’ll treasure it forever.” I smiled up at him, and the look he gave me back said he’d do anything for me, no matter the cost.

Russ grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to change and freshen up. I began rummaging through his drawers. I found an old Nirvana concert tee from when were kids and I paired it with some capris. I brushed my hair, and applied some lip gloss, and called it good. “How’s this?” I spun for him when he stepped out of the bathroom.

His face went from surprise to excitement. “Where did you find that?”

“The drawer.” I pointed sheepishly.

“My shirt looks good on you; maybe better than it did on me.” He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around me.

“It smells like you.” I buried my nose in his chest. “I’m going to steal a bunch of your shirts to keep with me when we’re apart. I need to feel close, and smelling you makes that happen,” I murmured.

“Ok, that didn’t sound creepy at all,” Russ joked. “You do look hot, though. You can keep it. It’s too small for me now anyway.”

“I was going to.” I grinned.

“Let’s get out of here before I decide that this whole going to the pier isn’t going to happen.” He released me, reached for my hand, and we headed out to his truck.

“Seriously, best clothing choice ever.” He nodded as we jogged down the steps together.

“Can I drive?” I batted my lashes at him.

“No.” He shook his head. “I’m driving tonight. I might not keep my hands off you otherwise.” He opened my door.

“Your loss.” I shrugged as he closed my door, mumbled something to himself, and then made his way around to the driver’s side.

Russ cranked the engine, glanced at me while muttering something else, and then pulled out to the driveway. Tonight was going to be fun. I haven’t been to the pier since I was sixteen.