Page 33 of Ask Me To Stay

“This?” His mouth curved up as he twisted my clit between his fingers.

“Yes. More,” I begged. My body was building, and I needed him to keep it up. It was mean to hold me at the edge like this.

“I want to be inside you when you come apart,” he growled.

“I’ll do it again. Promise. Please,” I begged.

“I’m going to hold you to that.” He turned us facing the waves, held me against him, and parted me, allowing the impact of the water to help him. My back bowed as he twisted and pinched again, this time letting me finish.

“Happy?” He chuckled as my body vibrated against him.

“Yes, very.” I sighed and then yawned.

“Nope. No yawning.” He released me and wagged his fingers in my direction when I did it again. “You promised me more.”

“Guess you’ll have to catch me then,” I teased as I took off running toward the house.

“Come on, Willow. Enough with the calisthenics on the beach.”

I continued to run, grabbing my clothes when I reached them, and rushing up the steps, onto the deck. Taco had woken up and was staring at me as if I had two heads. I flung open the slider, and rushed inside, dropping my clothes in the process.

Once in the bedroom, I stood there in all my naked glory, wondering how much energy Russ really had.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Russ called as the tell-tale sign of the slider locking rang through the house. I heard the blinds being closed, and him talking to Taco. “Where is she, boy?”

He whined before he nosed open the door, and stared at me. “I thought we were friends.” I frowned.

“Hi.” Russ grinned and gave a little finger wave.

“Hi.” I waved back. We stood there staring, and I couldn’t help but notice how hard he was. “That’s pretty big.” I grinned drunkenly.

“He misses you.” Russ stepped closer. “Come here.” He motioned and moved to stand in front of me. “This might be a problem.” I pointed to his sunburn. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’ve got a plan.” He held up his hand for me to wait, and then walked into the bathroom for a condom. “Store run tomorrow. This is the last one.” He winked as he walked back past me and motioned for me to follow.

As he stepped into the kitchen, he rolled the condom on, and pointed for me to sit on the counter. “I pulled the blinds, so we’d have privacy. I know it bothered you when Taco watched.” He chuckled as he grabbed my knees and parted them. “I’m surprised you weren’t more worried out there.” He waved at the door.

“No one knew what we were doing.” I shrugged.

“Well,” he gave me a quick kiss, “I’m going to make you scream so loud that the entire street knows what we’re doing.” He grabbed the back of my knees and pulled me to the edge of the counter. He gripped his cock, and rubbed it across my center before pushing into me. “Fuuuucccck!” He groaned. “Definitely need to get more tomorrow. I can’t go a day without having you.” His hands moved from my knees to cupping my jaw. He leaned in and slowly kissed me, as his tongue danced around my mouth, his cock pumping in and out. Their rhythm almost matched.

I scooted forward, and placed my heels on the island, giving him a better angle. He slipped deeper, and I broke the kiss, throwing my head back in the process. “It’s coming,” I panted. “Go faster.” That was all it took. Russ doubled his efforts and in a matter of seconds we both shattered.

We stood there, still locked together, panting as our mutual highs began to fade. “If this is what you’re like every time you’re drunk, maybe I just need to keep you drunk.” He tilted his head as he stared at me.

“If you walk around naked, I can be this way sober, too.” I winked. Russ’s sunburn seemed to really be bothering him now that we weren’t in an orgasmic haze. “Let’s get cleaned up, and I’ll rub some cream on that.” I pointed to his chest.

“Sounds like a plan.” He stepped back, and when his cock slipped from me, I felt a slight emptiness. It had never been like this with David. With Russ, it was like a part of me was missing when we weren’t connected in some way whether through sex, holding hands, or snuggled on the couch.

“I swear my parents are going to think that I ran the water nonstop this summer.” He laughed as the shower roared to life.

“Eh, blame it on Taco.” I giggled as I stepped under the spray. Taco whined at the sound of his name.

We made quick work in the shower, and then went to bed nude. I grabbed some sunburn lotion Aimee had left for us, and carefully treated Russ’s chest before falling into a deep sleep. Between my emotions and the sex, my body and soul were worn out. It was the first night since all of this happened that I felt like things were going somewhere. I wasn’t on the time crunch I had before, and Russ finally told me how he felt. Now, I just needed to pause the summer, so I could stay here forever.