Page 3 of Ask Me To Stay

“We don’t live here all the time. It’s our house, but we only come for vacation,” I clarified.

“We’re having a bonfire tonight down near my house. You should come.” He smiled, and the straightest whitest teeth I’ve ever seen appeared.

“That sounds awesome!” Jack fist pumped.

“He was talking to me,” I grumbled before looking back at mystery guy.

“We’re staying at the blue house down there. Come by around ten.” He waved before turning and jogging back to his friends.

“That’s the Bradshaws’ house. Are they renting it now?” Jack turned confused eyes on me.

“I don’t know.” I turned to head back to the walkway leading to our house, only once looking over my shoulder at the guy. He was high fiving his friends as they walked in the opposite direction.


Fortunately for us, Mom ordered pizza for dinner. We sat at the green Formica table with our retro fifties chairs, and gobbled down the cheesy goodness. Dad was busy messing with the TV, trying to find the sports channel, and Mom was telling him family time was more important. They had this argument every summer. Dad would explain that he was on vacation too, and he needed to be able to do things that he enjoyed, it wasn’t all about everyone else. I kinda saw his point, but never interjected my views. I wanted to go to this bonfire tonight, and wasn’t planning on giving my parents any reason to say no.

“So, Mom.” I smiled sweetly as I carried the pizza box into the kitchen and began putting away the leftovers. Helping was my superpower. “There’re some friends having a bonfire tonight. They invited me when we were on the beach. Do you think I could go for a little while? I won’t be out late.” I rocked on my feet as I clasped my hands behind me. I never asked to do this kinda stuff, and I really couldn’t think of a reason for them to say no.

“It’s boys! Boys asked her!” Jack shouted as he burst into the room with an action figure in each hand.

“What boys? Russ?” Mom and Dad liked Russ. They never told me no if he was doing the inviting.

“Yeah, Russ.” I lied. I didn’t see Russ in that group, and didn’t think he was even here this week. They didn’t need to know that, though.

“I guess I’m ok with that. If your dad is ok with it.” Mom smiled as I hugged her.

“Thanks.” I released her and went to conquer Dad. “You’re ok with it, right Dad?” I popped my head into the family room where Dad had finally found the baseball game.

“Yeah, sure honey. Have fun.” He waved me off without looking away.

“Well, that was easy,” I thought to myself as I wandered into my bedroom. I glanced around at my choices for outfits. I hadn’t planned on any of this, and I had no idea what to do. I grabbed all the change I could find, and rushed downstairs to call Aimee. There was a payphone on the corner, and as I made my way there, I prayed she’d be home.


“What’s up, chica?” Aimee chirped when she picked up.

“I got invited to a party and I have nothing to wear,” I whined. “These guys invited me to a party. Cute guys. Older guys.”

“College guys?” Aimee’s interest was piqued.

“I don’t know. Get back to the problem. I have nothing to wear.” I stomped my foot in the sand as I stood there watching the people around me. I didn’t want to attract an audience.

“Where’s the party?” Aimee shifted and her bed squeaked. She was the only one of us with a phone in her bedroom. My mom didn’t believe in privacy for kids.

“On the beach,” I murmured.

“Ok, so wear a bathing suit and tie something around your waist for a wrap.” She laughed. “It’s not hard. They invited you, remember? Whoever he was, he must have liked what he saw.”

“I guess.” I looked down at my whiter than white legs. I hadn’t tanned at all yet. I knew if I tried too hard, I’d burn and spend the rest of the week inside.

“Call me tomorrow and let me know how it went.” The line went dead, and I heard the quarter clink down in the phone.

I sighed as I walked back to the house. Aimee was usually more help than that. After making my way back to my room, I began searching my bag for something that didn’t make me look sixteen, and would hopefully get me my first real kiss.

I decided on a pair of fringed jean shorts and a blue tee. I looked nice, but not like I was trying too hard. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head, and applied some mascara and lip-gloss. It was dark, and on the beach; the fire would be our only source of light. It was going to be hard to see. I was trying to convince myself that I didn’t need to worry so much about my appearance. Follow Aimee’s advice; I was invited, they must have liked what they saw.
