Page 49 of Ask Me To Stay

“That’s David, my ex. I’m giving him a gift to show him how I feel.” I smiled and spoke through gritted teeth.

“Ah, ok.” Russ chuckled.

“I mean it, Willow. Get that mutt away from here and clean up that shit!” He started to come down the front steps toward us.

“Not a good idea, bro.” Russ moved in front of me.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with you, and I’m not your bro.” David scoffed.

“That’s my dog, and my girl,” He pointed to his chest. “Anything they do concerns me.”

“You can have them.” David rolled his eyes. “Take the pile of shit, too.”

Russ began laughing, “You can keep that. House warming gift.” He grinned before taking Taco’s leash from my hands. “Let’s go home, babe.” He draped his arm around me, and we went back to the truck.

“That was classic.” I grinned as we pulled away from the curb.

“That was awesome!” Russ high-fived me. “That tool bag was your ex?”

“I’ve stepped up in the world.” I shrugged.

“I’d say. I can’t believe he was lucky enough to have you even for a short time.” He shook his head as we turned onto my street.

“That’s sweet. It’s slim pickings around here.” I pointed to the apartment building at the end of the street. “That’s me.”

There was a small smile pulling at the corners of Russ’s mouth. I saw him try to hide it as we parked, but I saw. We climbed out, and as I held on to Taco, Russ grabbed my bag out of the back. We climbed the steps a little slower than I usually would. It was as if we were trying to slow time, and delay the words ‘good bye’ for as long as possible.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Russ set my bag down as I unlocked the door. Aimee was still at work, and it was quiet in the apartment.

“Nothing. Since it looks like you’re leaving tomorrow, I’m spending all of today with you. I can do the other stuff after you go.” I sounded like a whiny kid.

“You know I was wanting to stay longer.” He sighed and Taco whimpered.

“I think he knows this sucks too.” I pointed at Taco as I held the door for Russ.

“You have a nice place.” He looked around before carrying my bag back to my room.

“Eh, it works for now.” I flopped down on the couch. “I’m going order takeout, and you can pick a movie, and we are going to chill.” I tossed him the remote.

“I hope you can do other things, too. I wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight since I have to go so soon.” Russ grinned.

“Oh, plenty of other things.” I smirked as I grabbed the takeout menus from the kitchen drawer and tossed them on the coffee table. “Take your pick. All of these deliver.”



I hated this part. I’ve been dreading it since I started this at the beginning of the summer, and here we were. “I got you something.” I smiled as I handed her the bottle I was hiding behind my back. “Now you can think of me every time you smell your clothes.” I handed her a bottle of the laundry detergent I use.

“Thanks.” She stared at the ground. I couldn’t tell if she was trying not to cry or what. I felt terrible, and I all I wanted to do was climb back in bed with her and snuggle up, but my boss was requiring I come back for some dumb meeting. I’m sure it was stuff I already knew, but that didn’t matter.

“I’ll come back as soon as I can, and I’ll call you every day. Maybe more than once if I can.” I smiled and kissed the top of her head. “We’ll make this work. I promise.”

“I know. That doesn’t make it suck any less, though.” She sniffed and wiped her nose.

“I’ll call you as soon as I get home, promise.” I wrapped her in my arms and hugged her tight. She buried her nose in my chest and breathed deeply.

“Thanks for the soap. I’m going to do my laundry tomorrow just so I can smell you.” She laughed and cried at the same time.

“It’s no problem. I love you, Willow.” I leaned down to connect our mouths, and just held her there. I wanted to savor the moment. As much fun as we had this summer remembering the past, and making new memories, it was the little moments that meant the most. The way she smiled at me when she thought I didn’t notice; the sweet way she’d think of me first when we’d do something together; the way she knew when I was teasing her. It’s the little things in life that are the most special. I mean, I like the grand gestures too. I’ve been known to participate in them, but those quiet, in between moments… those are the ones that make up the epic love stories, and I know that our story is going to be epic. I just hope she sees it, too.