Page 19 of Ask Me To Stay

“Go put on something nice. I’m going to take you out for a real meal, and then we’re going to the store to get grown up food.” He pointed to the bedroom door again.

“You don’t need to do that.” I sat there staring at my pot of what now looked like mush.

“I can’t go home knowing you’re eating like this. Get dressed,” I stood and started to walk back to my room, “and don’t let the carpet attack you this time.”

I closed the door, and stared at my bed. What was going on here? This felt different, and he looked so different when he stared at me. Russ Bradshaw was sitting on my couch, and he looked delicious. The navy tee he was wearing showed off his gorgeous shoulders. All I wanted to do was rub my hands over his pecs and stomach, but I knew I couldn’t. We were friends.

“You ok in there?” he shouted from the living room. I must have been taking longer than I thought. “We’re not going anywhere fancy. Just pick something.”

“Um, be ready in a sec,” I shouted back. I grabbed the denim skirt I’d considered the night before and a pink flowy top. I brushed my hair, and then pulled up in a messy bun before swiping on some lip gloss. This would have to do. I mean, after the way I looked this morning, anything was better.

“This ok?” I asked as I stepped out of my room. Russ was still sitting on the couch.

He stood, and scanned me with his eyes. I wondered what he must be thinking. “Perfect.” He smiled. “Let’s get some real food.” He held out his hand, and when I didn’t take it, he seemed hurt. We’ve never held hands before though, so why would I start now?

“I have to lock up. I’ll be down in a second.” I used the excuse to get him to go ahead of me, so I’d have a minute alone. This felt so odd, but right at the same time. Was Aimee, right? Was I blind to this?

I peered down at Russ, waiting by that same old truck he had when we were sixteen. He had the passenger door open as if he was waiting for me to climb in. When I reached him, I smiled up. “This seems a little like a date.” I climbed in and he shut the door. The windows were down, and he smiled at me.

“Would that be so bad?” He grinned before walking to his side.

“I guess not,” I thought to myself.