Page 68 of Bar Down, Baby

I jump out of the car and sprint across the pavement until I’m kneeling before her. Her face is puffy and her eyes are red.

“Princess? What is it?”

She blinks up at me.

“She married him.”




I walkinto a dingy room that smells of stale coffee and dollar store air fresheners. The receptionist asks if I’d like coffee and I motion to my stomach. I’m regretting this sundress immediately. It’s lightweight for summer in the desert, but it feels like an icebox in this room. I stand next to a rickety folding chair. The back of it is carved with a slew of colorful words and as I reach for it, another door opens.

“Hello!” a cheery voice greets me from the door I just entered through. A woman with dark, chin-length hair and bronze skin approaches with her hand outstretched, a clipboard tucked beneath her opposite arm.

“You must be Megan,” she says.

“Hello,” I say, shaking her clammy hand.

“I’m Ana Lucia, your mother’s caseworker.” She motions for the chair I’m standing next to, the one that hascuntslaveetched on the back. I sit in it, flinching when the cold metal hits the back of my knees.

“Oh, I know. It’s a little chilly in here. I can get you a blanket if you want?”

“It’s okay,” I say, rubbing my hands over my arms.

“So, I understand you’re expecting?”

“Yes,” I say, trying to produce a friendly smile. But it feels like I’m gritting my teeth, even if it’s only to keep them from chattering.

“Is it your first?”


“Oh, how exciting! I’m sure your mother must be so excited.”

I feel the blood drain from my face as I stare at my toes. They’re so cold and I wish I’d worn something other than these stupid flip-flops.

“I have three of my own, although they’re much bigger now.”

I nod as a door creaks open from behind me and I turn around. Momma stands there, her eyes frozen on me. Not cruel, but not friendly.

“How are you today, Mona?” Ana Lucia asks in her cheerful voice.

“What’s she doing here?” Momma asks.

I turn back around and swallow thickly. I thought I’d be better at this. I thought I was better than this, or at least stronger. That I wouldn’t let her words hit me so easily.

“Isn’t it a nice surprise? She was able to come on such short notice from so far.” Ana Lucia smiles brightly, her eyes passing between the two of us. Then she motions for one of two chairs between us, rounding out the semi-circle. “Please, join us.”

I don’t watch her, but I hear her footsteps, soft and slight. Too slight. She sits in the chair next to Ana Lucia, and then shifts it so it’s slightly farther from her.

“How are you feeling today, Mona?”

“Like shit.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. As you know, it can be hard going through detox.”