Page 43 of Bar Down, Baby

“The storefront is still months away from reopening. I think I can sell just as much on my website.”

“That website needs a little work,” Faye says, giving Lule a look I imagine she’s given her many times before.

“The website is fine.”

“The website looks like a porn site.”

“There is no porn on my yarn site.”

“Oh my god, it looks like a porn site,” Caro says, staring at her phone. Aly and Ainsley hover over her shoulders and stifle grins.

“You have to admit, that logo with the font you used… it looks…” Ainsley pauses, looking for the right word.

“Kinky!” Aly says, hiccuping, her curls bouncing.

“It’s so kinky,” Ainsley agrees.

“Let me see,” I say, holding out my hand for Caro to give me her phone.

She does and I look at it. It’s a basic website, and it looks… well… it looks like a shady porn site. There’s little more than a logo that looks like a cock and balls, though I think it’s supposed to be a crochet needle and two yarn balls, the name Knitty Kitty in weirdly sexual lettering, and an eight-hundred number, followed by a listing of types of yarn and extremely grainy shots. If I was a little drunk, I would almost think they were—

“Bush,” Caro says. “It looks like you’re selling bush.”

“Bush is hot,” Lule says. “And I’m not selling bush. I’m selling yarn.”

“You know,” I say, passing the phone back to Caro. “I set up the e-commerce site for Pinky’s. I could take a look at it and help you streamline the site. Make it more user-friendly.”

“You know how to do that?” Ainsley asked.

“Sure,” I say.

“Did you do that in college?” Caro asks. I feel my cheeks flush hot and I open another bottle of grapefruit soda as I shake my head.

“No, I just sort of taught myself.”

“It looks good,” Caro says, having apparently found the Pinky’s site. “Did you design the merchandise too?”

“Yeah. And I fulfilled the orders when I was working there too.”

“When you were working there?” Ainsley says.

The room is quiet and I realize my mistake. I let out a little sigh.

“I uh…”Shit. I should have said something sooner. Of course they would want to know if I lost my job. I’m going to owe rent. But nobody says anything as they wait for me to explain.

“They let me go this week,” I say, focusing on the grapefruit soda as it slowly chugs its way down into the pitcher. “I missed too many days of work, so…”

“Because you were sick,” Ainsley says, her voice harder.

“Yeah, but still. So… yeah.”

“I’m sorry,” Faye says, standing next to me and squeezing my shoulder. The others mumble their apologies as well.

“This is very good,” Lule says, staring at Caro’s phone. “You could do this for the Knitty Kitty?”

“Yeah, sure,” I say with a little smile. “I’d be happy to take a look at it, anyway.”

“And you could fulfill orders, you say?”