Page 145 of Bar Down, Baby

“See, I’m a gentleman.”

“You’re so many things,” she says.

I catch up to her as she walks down the steps. “Like what?”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“What else?”

“And an egomaniac.”

“Am I, now?”

We’re at my car now, and I can’t resist pressing her back to it, caging her in.

“I think so.”

“And what else? What else am I?”

“Whipped,” she says.

I laugh. And then nod. “Yep. So?”

She smiles. And presses a kiss to my lips.

“What else?” I ask.

“What do you want me to say? Is there something else you want to be?”

I grin. Realization creeps into her features, but this time, there’s no resistance. I can see it. Something has shifted. Something has changed. And my grin gets wider.

“Your husband,” I say, running my finger along the silky-smooth fabric, drawing a circle against her hip.

She presses her lips together and lets out a little sigh. “Okay.”

I jerk back. “Wait—really?”

She laughs and shrugs a shoulder. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do with a shoulder.

“Yeah, I think so. I’m ready.”

I pick her up and spin her around as she squeals.

“Oh, shit. Wait!” I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring I’ve been carrying around for three and a half months on the off chance she said yes.

“What is that?” She’s shaking now.

“Let me do this right.” I get down on one knee and she gasps. “Megan Lucia Massey, I met you almost exactly one year ago. I saw you from across an arena, and I knew my world had tilted on its axis. Over the past year, we’ve been through a lot. Not all of it good. But you’ve shown me what it means to love someone, what it means to give and receive love, and that I am worthy of your love.”

She tears up, her bottom lip wobbling.

“And then you gave me the greatest gift anyone could ever give. Our son. He’s so perfect. Just so freaking perfect…” Now I’m tearing up. Shit. “We’ve been a family since before he was born. I think we both know that—have known that—for a while. But I want more. Maybe it makes me selfish, but I want you to be mine in every sense of the word. And I want to be yours. And so, from down here on this really bumpy sidewalk, in front of a house the color of a penis—”

She laughs out loud. I knew she’d like that part.

“I’m asking you—will you marry me?”

She doesn’t hesitate. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”