Page 64 of Toeing the Line

“Yeah,” she says, nodding at the tall blonde woman sitting to her left. “My best friend from home came to visit, and, well, he really came through with these seats.”

Her friend smiles over her shoulder in hello. She’s intimidatingly beautiful, despite wearing a sweatshirt and no makeup. She looks like she could be a Rockette or play a princess at a theme park.

“Those look like great seats.”

We both just stand there, nodding, like awkward morons. Or at least, one of us does.

“Well, maybe I’ll see you after? When we back-door it?”

“Excuse me?” I ask.

Caro snorts and I don’t have to look at Aly to know she’s turning red as she chugs her Diet Coke.

“You know, stage door? Back door? Go tell him good job or whatever?” Her smile falters again and I see a glimmer of someone too vulnerable to be waitressing at a strip club.

“Oh, yeah. Of course.”

“They’re basically inseparable,” Caro interjects and then squeals as Aly kicks her in the shin.

“Clearly they separated last night,” her friend says over her shoulder.

My stomach hardens into a tight knot.

“Stop, Bee,” Megan hisses, her cheeks flushed.

But it’s clear. Our friends have drawn battle lines.

“I’ll see you after the game,” I say with a gentle smile.

She smiles back, then returns to her seat.

“What a heinous bitch,” Caro says, tossing a piece of Aly’s popcorn toward Megan’s friend.

“Stop it,” I hiss, taking a long swig of my water.

“Fine, what a delightful woman who isn’t sitting in the WAG section,” Caro says under her breath.

I give her a scolding look and shove a handful of popcorn in my mouth to hide the ember of satisfaction that realization sparks.

“Why did none of us get alcohol?” Aly asks.

“It’s only two o’clock and there are children here?” Caro says. “And my liver still hasn’t recovered from the last time you tried to ‘beat’ beer.”

Caro tosses another piece of popcorn. This one bounces off the poor girl’s hoodie and Caro chomps into her second hot dog as the girl stares over her shoulder.

“Knock it off,” I mumble, giving her and Megan a friendly wave.

“Did you know she was coming?” Aly asks.

I shrug. Of course I didn’t know. But I didn’t think to ask either. “She has every right to be here. It’s a free country.”

“But he invited you.”

“And he’s dating her,” I say, shrugging again. My shoulders will be tight by the time I get home at this rate, with all the shrugging.

“And you’re in love with him,” Caro says, imitating my shrug.

“I’m not, and even if I was—”