Page 48 of Toeing the Line

The music throbs around us, and I feel his fingers thread through my hair, his gaze unrelenting. The muscles in his jaw feather and he wets his lips.I close my eyes.

“Faye,” he says. “I want…” But the music gets louder suddenly and I can’t hear what he says.

“Oh, you two are so cute!” Veronica squeals. The lights brighten and the music ends, breaking the spell. Veronica is fully dressed and grinning like a giddy schoolgirl. I tug at my sweater, feeling suddenly exposed in the brighter lighting. “I love doing couples dances when they’re like you two.”

Zeke clears his throat and stands. He hands her some cash and then waits.

She offers to help me with my bra, but now the realization of what just happened skitters through me, leaving my cheeks and chest heated. I manage to re-dress quickly and Zeke opens the door for us.

The throbbing bass of a Cardi B song breaks the spell as we leave the relative quiet of the private room. Zeke opens his mouth to say something just as Veronica grabs my wrist before I can get away and leans in.

“If you’re serious, I think you would do very well here. Those tits are to-die-for!” She gives me a little hug, and I stare after her as she shifts back into her Hollywood sexpot persona to work the room.

“That was… um…” Zeke’s face is red as he struggles to find the words.

“Yeah…” I say, feeling my cheeks flush as I bite a creeping grin off my face.

“I, uh… need some water,” Zeke says.

My face falls. I nod, not looking at him. “I need some air.” And make my way back toward my friends.

“Hey, Faye!” Freddy says, tossing his hands in the air as if my arrival is more exciting than anything else happening in this club.

“Oh, Fayebug!” Aly says, her eyes bright and her cheeks pink from drinking, laughing, or maybe, possibly being turned on. “Whatever happened behind that enchanting door, my little Georgia O’Keefe painting?” Her cheeks are flushed and her grin is borderline sloppy.

I glance at Caro, wondering how she could have gotten drunk so fast—and do a double-take. There is a naked woman doing a headstand in her lap, gyrating her ass in Caro’s face—and she’s utterly unfazed.

“Did you learn anything good?” Caro asks from her seat as she taps the woman on the side of her ass.

The woman tumbles back down to her feet, landing effortlessly on her mile-high clear plastic heels.

Another dancer takes the stage and with her comes a high energy pulsing beat.

“Wait, you and Cooper? Is that a thing?” Freddy asks, but there’s something slightly off about his expression. I can’t put my finger on it.

“What’s Zeke doing over there?” Caro asks, nodding toward where he stands next to the bar, grinning and talking to our waitress.

Even under the dim lights I can see her cheeks flush as she smiles and bats her eyelashes. Then he hands her something—his phone—and she types into it.

My stomach drops and my face flushes red hot.

“Son of a bitch,” Caro hisses.

“Fayebug?” Aly asks, her hand on my arm.

“She looks right,” I mumble.

Aly frowns, but I know she heard me. And I know she knows exactly what I mean. She’s seen the photos of him with other women. Women who are svelte and sexy. Women who look like that waitress—likeMegan. Women who look nothing like me

“I need a drink,” I say.

My girls are quiet for a moment, and then I’m sitting in an armchair between them, sharing a tray of tequila shots.

“What are we drinking to?” Freddy asks, passing me a glass.

“All the time I’ve wasted,” I say.

Caro frowns and opens her mouth to object, but Aly shakes her head.