“Hey, no judgment,” Hadley says. “There were girls at my Catholic school who would only do butt stuff so they could stay virgins. I walked in on them giving each other enemas.”
“That sounds awful,” Edie says, curling her upper lip. Gwen shrugs and smirks.
“Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.”
We all laugh and Edie shakes her head.
“It doesn’t worry me. I mean, I have…examined the merchandise,” she says, whispering the words, and we all laugh. “But it got to the point where I just thought, why rush it? We have our whole lives.”
I smile at my sister and her confidence in her relationship. I’m so happy for her. And I don’t think it’s just the warmth from the cocktails that has me squeezing her into a hug. But I’m pretty sure that’s what leads the other girls to pile onto us and make it a group steamroller situation.
“Did we ever find out what kind of Portlander Faye’sdateis?” Liza says, acid in the way she pronounces the word.
“We did not,” Gwen says, holding out her mug for a refill.
“He’s an athlete.”
“No shit?” Hadley says, her eyes wide. The girls all stare with anticipation.
“Yeah, he plays hockey.”
“He’s a hockey player?” Gwen says, shooting Edie a look likehow did I not know this?
Edie just grins.
“Oh, right,” Liza says. “Portland has a farm team, don’t they?”
She knows that Portland’s farm team is in Spokane. Her family is as entrenched in hockey as the Kraft family is in football.
“He plays for the Ptarmigans,” I say, sipping the last dregs of my nearly empty drink.
“No shit?” Hadley repeats.
“You’re dating a pro hockey player?” Gwen says.
Edie squeals and kicks her legs in excitement. “They’ve been friends for so long and it’s been killing me that they haven’t gotten together until now. But they’re so perfect for each other!”
My cheeks flush hot as I reach across the massive coffee table for the pitcher.
“What position?” Liza asks.
“He’s an enforcer.”
“Oh, my ovaries,” Gwen moans.
“I found him!” Hadley says, pulling up her phone and showing a photo of Zeke in a suit, arriving for a game in Boston last season.
I’ve never actually seen him in a suit, and the photo has my mouth watering.
“Holy shit,” Gwen says.
Edie just grins while Liza quietly studies the photo.
“I bet he’s like, super-hot in the sack,” Hadley says, her eyes widening. “Like, does he just throw you around? Or does he tie you up and make you call him—”
“Boundaries, Hadley,” Liza hisses.
And everyone cracks up. Which is just as well because it saves me from having to answer a question that definitely has me feeling squirmy. Especially after our last phone call.