FAYE: Oh, Dale… Did he pick the lock on his crate again?
ZEKE: Yes. But that’s not why I texted.
ZEKE: He gave me a lecture about how I needed to start charging for my popsicles
FAYE: I didn’t eat any popsicles
ZEKE: Well, he doesn’t know that
FAYE: Were there popsicles? You probably could’ve used one with how much whiskey you drank last night
ZEKE: They’re metaphorical popsicles
FAYE: I didn’t realize Dale was so literary
ZEKE: Of course he is. He’s some pig.
ZEKE: See what I did there? Literary pig…
FAYE: You don’t need to explain it. I’ve read Charlotte’s Web.
ZEKE: I didn’t want to assume. You know what they say when you assume.
FAYE: Oh, babe. The whole you making an ass of yourself ship has already sailed.
ZEKE: Ouch
FAYE: Should I apologize? Or do you want to finish my laundry
ZEKE: This sounds like a trick question. What kind of laundry are we talking about
FAYE: The kind of laundry that you drooled on last night when you were so passed out you cuddled with me
ZEKE: I wasn’t that passed out. I know I cuddled with you.
ZEKE: Sorry about the drool though. Want a hand?
* * *
7/8 10:15 AM
ZEKE: I’m in the neighborhood. Want me to bring you some coffee?
FAYE: I’m at work
ZEKE: I know. That’s why I offered to bring it to you
FAYE: That would be great. Thanks!
* * *
7/8 10:56 AM
FAYE: I am SO sorry
ZEKE: You could’ve warned me not to come in the back door
FAYE: Why would I ever expect you to come in the back door of the Knitty Kitty?