Page 74 of Toeing the Line

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5/24, 8:54 AM

FAYE: I’m sorry, Zeke. What a crappy end to the season.

ZEKE: We got our asses handed to us. We didn’t deserve to win.

FAYE: Silver lining: you can drink beer?

ZEKE: I got drunk on silver linings last night

FAYE: What are you doing up so early?

ZEKE: You texted

* * *

5/30, 6:10 PM

ZEKE: Want to grab dinner? Join me in drowning my misery in pizza?

FAYE: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m already out, actually.

FAYE: [sends photo attachment]

ZEKE: Is that Flux?

FAYE: Bumped into each other in line for pho

ZEKE: Pho in June?

ZEKE: Pho sure

ZEKE: Pho Freddy

* * *

5/31, 11:23 AM

ZEKE: So, you and Freddy, huh?

FAYE: What about me and Freddy?

ZEKE: He had a lot of fun the other night

ZEKE: ???

FAYE: What?

ZEKE: You weren’t going to tell me you went out for drinks?

FAYE: We literally got a beer and then the girls showed up.

FAYE: We didn’t “go out for drinks”

ZEKE: You didn’t invite me?

FAYE: You live on the other side of the river and it was spur of the moment. Do you want me to invite you to everything I do? Should I call you the next time I buy a six-pack at New Seasons?