5/16, 10:03 AM
ZEKE: That was your ace in the hole?
FAYE: You loved it.
ZEKE: Best. Birthday. EVER.
ZEKE: I still can’t believe you made team T-shirts.
FAYE: Who knew that Lule and Pasha were such Top Gun fans?
ZEKE: I knew Pasha was. Team Maverick til I die! Where did they end up?
FAYE: Nuh-uh, Team Goose FTW! And I have no idea
ZEKE: It sort of wasn’t fair, was it?
FAYE: But… did you HAVE to post THAT picture? [cringe emoji]
ZEKE: What picture? The one of you looking absolutely ADORKABLE in your Team Goose shirt?
FAYE: You’re such a guy.
ZEKE: You look hot in that pic. What’s not to love?
FAYE: Clearly you don’t read the comments…
ZEKE: what comments?
ZEKE: …???
FAYE: So, what were you up to tonight then?
ZEKE: Megan took me out to dinner.
FAYE: Oh, that’s nice.
ZEKE: Yeah. It was good.
FAYE: Nice.
ZEKE: Yeah.
* * *
5/22, 9:54 AM
ZEKE: Home playoff game tomorrow. Want to come?
FAYE: I have work. Good luck!
ZEKE: You sure? Face off is at 6. You could bring your friends. Megan will be there too.
FAYE: Wish I could. I’ll be cheering you on from the Space Lounge.