Page 89 of Invoking the Blood

Sparrow flopped down on Rune’s bed to peer behind Faye. “Sleeping here with Faye until Runey comes back.”

“You are insane,” Vashien said, catching Sparrow by the ankle and dragging her to the end of the bed.

Sparrow was dead weight, fisting the dark silk, saying, “I know he’ll come back if he senses us in his room.”

Vashien took a breath, scrubbing his hand over his face. “Get up.”

“It’s a good plan,” Sparrow whined.

Vashien grabbed Sparrow’s arm and bent down to throw her over his shoulder.

“Put me down!” Sparrow squirmed, still holding Rune’s sheet that dragged from Rune’s bed. Vashien exited the room and Faye followed closing the door.

Sparrow ran her hand along the inside of his wing, near his back and Vashien nearly stumbled. “Don’t do that,” he said, thumping her with his wing.

“Put. Me. Down.” Sparrow said, doing it again.

Her sister and Vashien vanished. Faye stopped in the hall, deciding she didn’t want to be in the east wing while they worked out their argument.

Faye glanced into Rune’s study and the mess Sparrow left. She rubbed the back of her neck, walking in, refusing to glance at the settee before the fireplace. She gathered the papers, not knowing what piles they were originally in. She made the same neat stacks and arranged them on his desk as they had been.

She picked up the books next, setting them on the corner of his desk. She strolled to his chair running her hand over it. He couldn’t stay gone and just leave them in Hell. He had to come back. Didn’t he?

Faye’s hand dropped as she turned away. She could spend the morning in the gardens. The sunlight would warm her and settle her mind until Rune decided to show his face. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to rage at him or demand an explanation. She wanted both.

She smiled to herself. Stabbing him crossed her mind on more than one occasion. Nothing an immortal couldn’t heal from. She wasn’t sure what vampires viewed as affection, so she stayed her hand. Refusing to offer him something he might find pleasurable.

Chapter forty-one

Runestoodonanopen terrace, surveying his realm. The Ra’Voshnik roared from its confines, thrashing against the bindings holding it in place. The creature demanded its freedom, wanting to return to the minx. Relentlessly fighting him for the past three days.

He felt Sadi phase into his realm, arriving behind him.

Why is she here? She offends our queen. Remove her from your presence.

Rune ignored the creature turning to Sadi. She raised a brow, glancing him over. “You don’t look well.”

Because you are near!The Ra’Voshnik’s scream echoed through Rune’s mind.

“I need your expertise,” Rune said, leaning against a crystal pillar.

Sadi nodded in answer and agreement.

“I need you to search the Ra’Voshnik’s mind and locate the spell binding it to the mortal.”

“I doubt your overgrown bloodlust will let me near it,” she said.

“I will remedy that.”

Sadi glanced around her. “We would be more comfortable in Chaos.”

Rune infrequently visited the Familiar’s home realm. Morbid closed his realm to outsiders and Rune had only been to Morbid’s estate. With a sigh, Rune admitted, “I am unable to phase. It is trying to return to Faye as we speak. Stopping it is hindering my ability.”

“I can take us,” Sadi said, as their images flickered. Her midnight eyes met his gaze as she tensed, trying again. They flickered once more, and she bared her teeth. “Do you want me to seal the creature in its own mind while I’m at it?”

I will kill her before I allow her to touch me,the Ra’Voshnik answered.

“Let us see how difficult it is to locate the spell before we consider other arrangements for it,” Rune said, nodding to Sadi before he descended into himself.