Page 19 of Invoking the Blood

“I’m reading that.”

“Grant me your name, and you can have it back.” He raised a brow at her and held her book behind his shoulder.

She pressed a hand to his chest and stood on her knees, leaning closer to retrieve her book.

Rune’s fangs lengthened. The slender column of her neck so close to his lips he could perceive her warmth.

Take what is offered.The Ra’Voshnik growled, growing aroused.

She is not offering you anything. Be silent.

He turned his head toward hers as she fought to pry her book free from his grasp. He fanned his breath over the shell of her ear. “Grant me your name, and I will let you readuninterruptedfor the rest of the evening.”

Rune stilled when she turned to meet his gaze, still holding the book. Her full dark lips a moment from his. He swallowed, worried if he made a wrong move, she would reject his advances.

Her lightning-streaked midnight eyes twinkled with mischief. “We renamed you fangs.”

We? Rune laughed softly. “Fangs?”

She nodded, her gaze dipping to his mouth.

His eyes slid closed as she pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth.

Chapter five

Fayewokeupwitha start, jerking upright and glancing around her. She ran her hand over the front of her throat, to her collar bone. Her heart pounded as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

She climbed out of bed feeling like she didn’t sleep.

Sparrow spelled their cottage, keeping it warm as the colder months approached. Faye peeked into the hall dressed in her white nightgown. Sparrow sat at the kitchen table with toast and eggs.

“Dream of fangs again?” Sparrow asked around a mouthful of food.

Faye joined her, making a plate of fruits and cheese. “Yeah, but it was a weird dream.”

“Sexual depravity weird, or you two riding a unicorn weird.” Sparrow pointed her fork to one side then the other.

Faye gave Sparrow an impressed look as she took her seat. “Look at you, using your big words like you know what they mean and shit.”

Sparrow smirked. “I’m all about sexual depravity. So, spill.” She tapped the table at Faye twice before going back to her breakfast.

“We were curled up on a couch thing in this big, fancy room.” Faye glanced around their kitchen-dining room. “The room was the size of our cottage, and it had a fireplace I could walk into.”

Sparrow nodded, chewing her toast. “Typical dark court. Get to the naked part.”

“There is no naked part.”

Sparrow exhaled dramatically. “Why are your dreams so boring?”

Faye fluttered her hand at Sparrow. “I’m in his lap.”

“Less boring.” Sparrow looked thoughtful for a moment. “Does he have the bad eyeliner on in your dreams?”

“I like his eyeliner.” Faye paused. “Is that weird?”

Sparrow shrugged. “Usually, it’s a precursor to being eaten. But I heard their bites are almost as good as their purrs.”

Faye widened her eyes, finishing a bite of fruit. “He purred!”