Page 164 of Invoking the Blood

“My name is Faye, it’s nice to meet you.”

Rune made his way to Vashien and Damian. The men congregating near the refreshment table.

Faye let Frances lead her through the tables, offering her displays of rings and the finger gauntlets typically worn by Familiar women. The rings were stunning, but nothing spoke to her.

“Would it be okay if I looked around myself?” Faye asked in a soft tone, worried she would offend the Familiar. His designs were breathtaking, but she needed to find something that was her.

“Of course. If you find aspects of rings you like, pick them up. I can sketch out something new, and we can see about creating a design for you.” He took a step back and bowed before he turned, leaving her to browse.

Faye glanced over a table with rings that had diamonds in the band. She picked one up, turning the ring over. Diamonds spanned the whole band.That’s unnecessary.Faye returned the ring and moved to the next table.

Sparrow sauntered up beside her. Faye glanced from her sister to the fluted glass of champagne. “Really?”

Sparrow rolled her eyes. “It’s already poured. What do you think they do if no one drinks it, put it back in the bottle?”

“It doesn’t mean you have to drink all of them,” Faye said as her gaze wandered over the rings. None of them felt right. Sparrow plucked a ring from the next table bringing it to her.

“This looks like you.” Sparrow held the ring out while guzzling her champagne.

Faye took the ring and Sparrow wandered off to get another drink. Faye examined the elegant setting. Hooker picked a good one. It was white gold, simple, clean lines. It would balance well with her unique soul shard.

Faye brought the ring to Frances and said, “I like this one.”

He took the ring and slipped it onto the index finger of her right hand, and Faye tensed. She could hardly breathe as she gazed at her ringed index finger. The walls seemed to close in. It felt real now. The band around her finger would soon hold her shard and irrevocably reshape her life. This bit of jewelry reflected her power, marking her a dark-blood.

Francis’s hand settled over her own, covering her ring. He rubbed her hand and said, “Breathe. It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed with your first ring.” Faye nodded, taking a deep breath.

The Familiar lifted her hand by the curve of her fingers. “Size needs to be adjusted a touch.” At his words the band shrank until it fit her perfectly. Frances held out his hand. “If I may borrow your soul shard, my Lady.”

Faye hesitated for a moment, then reached into her pocket to retrieve her shard. She placed it on Frances’s palm and braced herself for his reaction.

The Familiar tilted his head, pinching the shard between his thumb and forefinger. He held it to the light as though he inspected a gem. “It looks like you carved a piece of the Darkness free.” Frances gazed at her and smiled. “This will make a splendid ring.” He set the shard in the ring’s setting, and the prongs closed over the shard, anchoring it in place. Frances tapped his nail against it, making minute adjustments. “There,” he said, releasing her hand before meeting her gaze. “How do you like her?”

Faye held her hand out admiring the ring. Excitement thrumming through her. She wanted to jump in place. To scream. This bit of metal completed her.

Her ring. Displayinghershard.

“It’s beautiful, thank you.” She beamed, turning the back of her hand toward Rune.

His deep, accented voice spoke in her mind.

You look radiant, my queen.

Chapter eighty-two

Thegreatroomtransformedbefore Faye’s eyes as Frances phased away. His tables and rows of jewelry vanished with him. An elegant dark wood dining table appeared near the far wall between the grand staircases.

Damian snaked his arm around Sadi’s waist as they strolled to their seats. He turned back to Faye, his movements lazy and arrogant. “You’ve stolen the High Queen’s consort and most of what remained of her—” He sucked a breath when Sadi elbowed him in the ribs.

Damian threaded his fingers through her thick black hair and pressed a rough kiss to her temple. “Playing a bit rough, kitten.”

Rune fell into step beside Faye, replying, “We have five members. If you are concerned for Lyssa, you are welcome to remain with her.”

Damian pulled Sadi’s chair out, letting her take her seat. He smirked at Faye as he took his own, holding her gaze across the table. Gaging the queen of the court, he would soon join.

Faye smiled and glanced up at Rune, brushing her hand over the side of his throat. Turning back to Damian, she said, “I can’t steal what belongs to me.”

The Familiar’s metallic silver eyes gleamed. He turned to Sadi with a broad smile. “Bit of spine in this one. I like her.”