Page 125 of Invoking the Blood

He slowly took her in his arms, holding her close. Faye slipped her arm under his jacket clinging to him. She didn’t want to cry. Didn’t want to miss him when he realized what she already knew. They were too different, and fate wasn’t enough.

But it was too late for her. When he did finally leave, his memory would haunt her for the rest of her life.

“I am sorry.” He stroked her hair. “I will see that your village never suffers, and we will visit each month, or as often as you wish.”

Faye squeezed him tighter in answer, not trusting her voice. If he could accept her, really accept her as she was, they might have a chance.

Chapter fifty-eight

Fayetiedherhairhalf up as she walked along the hall in the east wing. Her vampire sat at his desk, pouring over aged documents. His gaze lifted to meet hers as she strolled into his study. Her fingertips skimmed along the top of the settee as she made her way to his desk. She smiled as those lovely shadows swayed beneath his eyes.

“You don’t hide your eyeliner half as much as you used to.” Faye feigned a look of innocence as she dragged her finger over his desk. Her skin heated as he tracked her movements. The predatory glint in his eyes was at odds with the playful smile across his lips.

He stood as she reached his chair. “Your Voshki is less of a nuisance if I share time with it.” Rune leaned closer to her, bringing his lips a moment from hers.

“Sharing time with him,” Faye corrected, straightened the perfectly arranged lapel of his jacket. “We have an appointment with Kayla.”

Rune subtly shifted his position, backing her into his desk. Faye’s pulse quickened as she glanced up. A crimson so dark it looked black covered his gaze. Those lovely veined misted shadows were swaying over the tops of his cheekbones. The low rumble of his purr filled the space between them.

“She can wait,” Voshki purred, leaning closer. Placing his hands on either side of her.

She swallowed. They were too tempting. She ran her nails down the center of his chest before flattening her hand and pushing him back. “You’re a terrible influence.”

He straightened and gave her a cocky grin. “I am aware,” he said as the shadows receded from his gaze to reveal pale blue eyes.

Rune extended a hand to her. “Shall we?”

Faye placed her hand in his, and her surroundings faded, replaced with a lavish room decorated in every shade of red.

Rune inclined his head. “Kayla.”

Faye smiled at her. She wore a strapless corseted gown in the same antique gold she’d worn the last time Faye saw her.

“Shadow Prince. Lady Faye. Lovely to see you again so soon.” Kayla curtsied. Her gold dusted brown skin gleaming in the soft candlelight.

“Thank you for doing this for me.” Faye beamed.

Kayla took her arm, leading her away from Rune. “Of course. We do this for many of the noble ladies,” she said as she led Faye to three red tables and turned back to Rune. “Are you coming or just going to be surprised by what the Lady selects?”

Rune took a seat on one of the high-backed chairs near the refreshments table and met Faye’s gaze. “You should make your selections without my influence. We can revisit this together at a later time.”

Kayla smiled, pressing her hands together. “You’ve found yourself a gentleman.”

“He’s not,” Faye said in a hushed tone.

Kayla leaned toward her saying in an equally soft tone, “None of them are.”

They shared a laugh as they came to the first table. Riding crops, sticks, paddles, and something with several leather straps attached to a handle were evenly spaced over the table. Faye glanced back at Rune, who now sat with his ankle over his knee, reading documents. This man told on her and didn’t have the decency to look her in the eye.

“Did he tell you to show me the riding crops first?” Faye asked in a hushed whisper.

Kayla waved her hand. “These are very popular among many ladies.”

Faye listened as Kayla explained each tool and selected the riding crop Kayla used during their previous visit. A smile played on her lips as she swatted the palm of her hand with it. She imagined running it under Rune’s jaw as he knelt before her. Faye pushed the fantasy away. The man would set her blood on fire if she let him.

“If you want to purchase any items, just lay them horizontally in the gold marking.” Kayla tapped the rectangular engraving.

Faye selected two riding crops and placed them in the marker.