Page 99 of Invoking the Blood

“Date?” Her sister finished for her.

“It’s not a date,” Faye argued, sliding the collar in her pocket.

Sparrow linked arms with her and started toward the door. “Come on. We can’t be late for your date.”

“It’s a ceremony,” Faye hissed as they met Vashien in the hall.

They made their way to Rune’s study where they would meet other members from his court. Faye silently prayed that the high bitch didn’t come to assist him.

Rune claimed she was stronger than him and Faye wasn’t sure she believed him. It had to be true, or he wouldn’t involve his court. What reason did he have to lie when he was performing her ceremony?

That needed other people,Faye reminded herself. She’d thought her ritual would be a private thing between her and a blood priest. Fate had other plans. At least the extra attendees would stay in his study and not join them in the bedroom.

Sparrow hugged her arm. “My baby bird is finally getting laid.”

“I’m not getting laid,” Faye countered.

“You totally are, by his shadowy highness,” Sparrow squealed, squeezing her tighter.

Faye stepped into Rune’s study and froze. There were more people here than she expected. They sat in various chairs around the tall piles of books and empty bookshelves. She struggled to swallow as the reason they were all here weighed down on her, feeling all too real suddenly.

Her heart pounded as she glanced to Rune who stood beside the floor to ceiling window gazing out over his realm. A man with long dark hair and dramatic sweeps of color around his midnight eyes sat in Rune’s usual place behind his desk. He rocked Rune’s chair, balancing it on its two back legs, while his booted feet rested on the desk.

To Faye’s left was another man, sitting with his legs crossed, reading a book with a martini glass on the small table beside him. Faye blinked. His features followed Rune’s beyond a normal family relation. His white-blonde hair was short, tousled to look like he hadn’t spent much time on it, but Faye was sure he had.

He looked so much like Rune but so different. There was no underlining tension in his expression. The corners of his mouth tilted up in a relaxed smile as he turned a page in his book. This would be Rune—If the Shadow Prince was normal, Faye thought as her gaze fell to the weaker, dark misted shard he wore. He dressed in the fashions of Necromia. A fitted white dress shirt tucked cleanly into his slacks, forgoing the tailored suit Rune always wore.

He turned toward them, and his smile widened, reaching his pale blue eyes. Faye noted his lack of fangs as the man said, “You must be my brother’s guests.” He stood, laying his book next to his drink and walked over to them. “My name’s Jareth. You must be Faye, Sparrow, and Vashien.” He looked at each of them as he said their names.

“Runey didn’t tell you my name was blonde harpy,” Sparrow said with exaggerated excitement. She glanced past Jareth at Rune and said, “Admit it, you’re starting to like me.”

Jareth laughed and stood beside Sparrow, leaning to the side until his arm brushed hers. He tilted his head toward her, pointing as he spoke. “You’ve met Sadi and her mate Damian. That’s Morbid and you already know my brother.”

Damian laid his arm over the back of the settee as he looked back at them. Faye didn’t see Sadi but recognized her tuffs of black lace and belted, heeled boots hanging over the armrest.

Damian’s silver eyes gleamed as he met Faye’s gaze. A feline smile spread over his mouth. “Evening, delicate.”

Rune cut off Faye’s reply. “Call her that again, and I will tear your vulgar tongue from your mouth.”

Sadi sat up to glare their way as Faye turned toward Jareth to whisper, “Delicate is vulgar?”

“It’s a Familiar term meaning virgin,” Sadi answered with a clipped tone.

Damian gripped her throat and pulled her back down to his lap. “It means fine meal, don’t lie to the girl.”

A growl emanated from Rune and Damian turned his head. “I didn’t say she wasmyfine meal.” Sadi’s mate turned his attention back to Faye. “The Shadow Prince will certainly feast on you though.”

“Don’t mind him, sex and violence are all he’s capable of,” Jareth said, waving a dismissive hand at Damian.

Sadi’s booted foot snapped up, aiming for Damian’s head. He caught her ankle and pressed his lips to the side of her calf. “Occasionally at the same time,” Damian purred, glancing down at his lap.

Faye wasn’t sure what occurred since the settee faced the fireplace, but Damian bared his teeth as he winced and Sadi shot up to stare daggers at her.

Damian slung his arm over Sadi’s shoulder and down between her breasts, dragging her to sit against him. He kissed her hair and growled, “Bite me again and I will fuck that attitude right out of you.”

Faye looked away and Sparrow snickered as Jareth led them to a bar cart.

“Are you Rune’s twin?” Sparrow asked.