Page 172 of Invoking the Blood

“The first order of business will be the petition for the formal acknowledgement of Faye Alexander. Shadow Prince, stand before us.”

Rune stood, tension lacing each of his muscles. Murmuring whispers scattered over the crowd. Their voices overlapped into a constant unintelligible sound that filled the building. Every seat was accounted for, yet more people filed in, wanting to bear witness. They stood in the stairways, along the walkways. Pressed shoulder to shoulder, each hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman capable of taming the Shadow Prince.

He turned to Faye offering his hand. The Ra’Voshnik purred through his mind, admiring their queen. She wore dark pants with a satin backless shirt with flowing sleeves. Beautiful and fierce. Fate could not grant them a better queen.

Her hand slipped into his as they stepped into The Eyes. Faye held herself well, not letting her emotions show over her delicate features.

Rune stood next to her as pride and apprehension warred in him.

Alister sat in the front row to his right, and Rune noted Prinia’s absence. His brother held a tactician’s mind, learning from his missteps. Rune wouldn’t be able to use Prinia as leverage a second time.

He knelt as they reached the center of The Eyes. Faye followed protocol perfectly, keeping her face neutral and placing her left hand on his right shoulder.

“What is that on your ring?” Lyssa’s usual lyrical voice was overshadowed by her cold, condescending tone.

“My Lady’s soul shard,” Rune replied in kind as the Ra’Voshnik urged him to take Lyssa’s head as payment for disrespecting his queen.

Lyssa clicked her tongue at him. “Truly Rune, your vanity astounds even me.”

“Shadow Prince.” Jha’ant adjusted his glasses, peering at the shard Faye displayed as the crowd quieted. He cleared his throat, turning his attention back to Rune. “Have you come to answer the petition?”

“I have come to inform the High Council of a mistake in circumstance.” Rune stood, keeping his gaze on Jha’ant as the rustling and murmurs began anew. Louder.

“There is no mistake. You are court born. You rule a realm. You must answer. Refusal of response is to denounce her.” Jha’ant's gaze fell to Faye and softened. The bird king raised a few notches in Rune’s eyes. Perhaps he didn’t want to see Faye labeled as a whore.

“I am unable to answer on behalf of this petition for the simple reason being, that I am Faye Alexander’s whore.” Rune expected the gasps, followed by the rustling and chatter of the audience. One voice yelled over them he did not.

“No!” Morgan screamed, silencing the crowd.

I should have announced her, Rune thought dryly.

Kill her so we can finish this and return home with our queen, the Ra’Voshnik growled, prowling his mind.

Calm yourself. This will be over soon.Rune turned to address Lyssa’s daughter, who leaned forward as she grasped the railing of her family’s box seating, high above the crowd.

Rune glowered at her, his voice menacing. “Do you challenge my choice?”

“No! Rune, she does not,” Lyssa yelled. “Rune. Look at me, Shadow Prince.” A growl vibrated in her words as she gritted out, “Child, sit.”

Gabriel leaned forward, whispering to his sister. When he took her arm Morgan flung her brother off her with a burst of power. Gabriel struck the wall at the other end of their seat area and dropped.

Morgan stared at Rune for long moments. Tension building between them. Hatred burned in her eyes. She bared her teeth before looking away and taking her seat.

Rune’s attention returned to the High Council. He would carry this label for her. Keep Faye safe. Protect her from Alister. His brother would renounce the blood debt when he learned Faye could heal Prin. Rune bowed his head, waiting for the words of protocol that would cripple his social standing.

In truth he cared little for his name, less of what others thought.

All he needed was her.

“Wait.” Faye touched his arm. “Kneel.”

Rune obeyed, sending her a thought.What are you doing?

She placed her hand on his shoulder and her voice filled his mind.You make all the wrong moves for all the right reasons.

Faye turned to Jha’ant. “I announce Rune Sacarlay, the Shadow Prince, Ruler of Hell, as my consort.”

Panic skid down Rune’s spine. Faye spoke words of protocol she couldn’t know. Spoken here in The Eyes meant this was no court position. When a queen announced a consort within The Eyes, it was a tie between the two, what Faye would call a marriage. Her words claimed him as her own.