Page 171 of Invoking the Blood

This wasn’t perfect. One look at Rune and she knew he would accept it happily, sacrificing his title and social standing for her. He belonged to her, was hers to protect. From himself if need be. No matter how brilliant her sister thought she was, a technicality wouldn’t stop Alister. Sparrow said so herself all those weeks ago.

This isn’t base, bitch.

Sadi clasped Faye’s shoulder drawing her from her thoughts. The Familiar smiled at her. “This can work. Come to the north wing after dinner, we’ll iron out the details.”

Faye admired the billowing lengths of fabric and colorful tapestries decorating Sadi’s den. The Familiar stood at the fireplace turning a short white vase stuffed with fresh cut flowers. She tapped the clawed tip of her ring on her bottom lip before shifting the vase a few inches and scrutinizing it again.

Black light flashed over the walls and faded. “The Shadow Prince has sensitive ears,” Sadi said absently without looking at her.

“Yeah,” Faye muttered, walking to the chairs before the fireplace.

“You’re asking me to go behind Rune’s back,” Sadi said, adjusting a black rose. “And defy his wishes.”

Faye’s cheeks heated. She didn’t want to lie to him, but Rune wouldn’t address his brother. He always asked for time. Immortality gifting him an endless number of days to scheme and plan.

She wasn’t blessed with the same luxury.

“Do you really want Rune to announce himself as my whore?” Faye asked.

Sadi adjusted the vase a final time and turned toward her, folding her arms. Faye’s brow pinched faintly as she realized it wasn’t a vase at all. The flowers protruded from the eye sockets and jaw of an upturned skull.

Faye swallowed, returning her attention to Sadi. “We’re both loyal to Ru—”

“I don’t see loyalty,” Sadi said flatly.

Faye tensed as her magic surged, answering her anger. “Do you think I like lying to him? Alister is coming for me. He is not going to care if Rune declares himself my whore. I want to call in the blood debt and finish this. Is there a way for me to formally acknowledge Rune?”

“You have no noble blood,” Sadi said, as she went to the table and poured a glass of wine. “The only avenue you have to lay claim to the Shadow Prince is to form your court and announce him as your consort.”

Faye’s shoulders dropped as she joined Sadi. Initiating the blood debt would mean ambushing him. Like the High Queen did.

No, Rune loved her. She was nothing like the high bitch. “The High Queen won’t sign the petition to form my court.”

“There are other rulers, Morbid among them,” Sadi said before sipping her wine. “If you witnessed Alister on the battlefield, you wouldn’t be so anxious to face him.”

“Damian told me he can break shields. He doesn’t have blood dark enough to break mine.”

Sadi laughed. “That will be the least of your problems. He’s a day-blood that consistently killed dark-bloods. His favored move was to phase his opponent into open sky. Dispatch them when the freefall broke their concentration and behead them.”

Faye’s stomach knotted. As formidable as Alister was, it was safer to face him on her terms than wait for him to attack on his. “Rune’s magic has no effect on me. Alister’s won’t either.”

“Your life is tied to Rune’s. I will take Alister’s mind and kill him before it comes to that,” Sadi said with a wave of her hand.

Dark-bloods and their violence. “No, I don’t want him hurt. Make me a Familiar binding to put Alister to sleep.”

“Bindings are initiated with blood. I can spell a dagger, but you’ll have to dirty your hands,” Sadi said, lifting her glass to point at her.

“I need to stab him?”

“Did you think Alister would offer up his blood if you asked nicely?”

It was a means to an end. Alister was immortal. A knife wound wouldn’t kill him. “We’re going to be part of the same court. You don’t have to be such a bitch.”

Sadi smiled, pouring a second glass of wine. She offered it to Faye as she said, “Then be a queen worthy of him.”

Chapter eighty-five

ThecourseofRune’slife changed in this open, airy building eight centuries ago. It would change once more this day. A token price to pay for his queen. Faye sat beside him before The Eyes and the High Council. Sparrow and Vashien were seated behind them alongside Sadi and Damian.