Page 166 of Invoking the Blood

“That day-blood has more dark blood on his hands than you have in your entire body.” Sadi’s midnight gaze met Faye’s. The rage flickering in their depths, unsettled her. “Rune saved you that night, and you abandoned him. Over words.”

The table fell silent, everyone tensing as Sadi held Faye’s gaze in challenge. A dare to deny her accusation. Anger flushed Faye’s cheeks, her power climbing with the emotion.

“Enough.” Rune broke the silence, his deep voice taking a hard edge.

“No. She wants a court.” To Faye, Sadi hissed, “Understand this. You either have blood on your hands, or you are the blood on someone else’s. Those who are clean are untested, young, or cowards.”

Faye’s back went rigid. She would crush this dark-blooded way of thinking. Beginning with her court. “If you believe mercy and compassion are weaknesses, you’re the coward.”

“Words of the young and untested.” Sadi looked her up and down, then licked her knife.

The casual way she spoke, so certain she was right, scraped Faye’s long-standing hatred for dark-bloods. Their arrogance.

“Why are you joining our court?” Sparrow shrugged off Vashien’s hand when he tried to quiet her. Licking her teeth, the petite blonde glared. Propping her elbow on the table and opening her hand, silently demanding a reply.

Sadi’s power curled within her in response, rising. Without thinking, a flicker of Faye’s dark power swept through the Familiar. Faye wouldn’t allow her to wield her strength at her sister. Her magic enveloped Sadi’s, choking it, forbidding the Familiar access to her reserve.

Sadi’s attention snapped to Faye, her teeth bared. “How are you doing that?”

A tendril of power wove itself up Faye’s, blending into her own. It climbed steadily as Faye tried and failed to stop its ascent. It reared back just before touching her mind, and claws sliced through her connection, severing her hold on the Familiar’s power.

“How did you do that?” Faye leveled her gaze at Sadi.

Sparrow leaned forward, her gaze flicking from Sadi to Faye. “Do what? What are you two doing?”

Sadi glanced down at her meal, stabbing another cut of meat. “Do you feel the depth of their power?”

Faye nodded.

“It seems you have Familiar magic.” Sadi bit the cut of beef off her knife tip. “Teaching you will be interesting if you survive Alister.”

Memories of his sword at her throat spoiled Faye’s appetite. She rested her hand on Rune’s thigh, the simple touch comforting her. His hand covered hers, his fingers curling around her palm.

She would need to train to stand a chance against Alister. She met Damian’s gaze. “Can we start tomorrow?”

He lifted his brow in agreement as he finished his wine.

Dinner remained tense but uneventful for the rest of the evening. Rune rose with Faye as the others paired off, retiring for the evening.

Faye entwined her fingers with his as they made their way to their rooms.

“You will need to learn to shield yourself if you intend to train with Damian.”

Faye smiled up at him. “Are you going to wake up early to teach me?”

He lifted her hand to his mouth, his lips meting the back of it. “Shielding is simple. I can show you before we retire for the night.”

She followed him into his room.Our room.Faye smiled at the thought. Rune sat at the end of the large bed, guiding her to stand between his legs. He leaned forward, so close she felt his breath on the hollow of her collar bone. He glanced up at her, waiting.

“We’re together. You’re allowed to touch me.”

His blue eyes glinted as he smiled. “You will have to forgive me. I am old fashioned.”

“Aren’t you supposed to listen to your queen?” Even with her teasing tone, she stumbled over the title. Wondered if she’d ever get used to it.

Rune wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer and kissed the bottom of her throat. “It feels strange, touching you without invitation.” His lips grazed along her neck as he spoke.

Faye ran her fingers through his hair. “It doesn’t feel strange to me.”