Page 3 of The Hookup Plan

London tried not to roll her eyes at yet another person asking about Craig.

The only thing she had been known for back in high school was getting all As, being class president, and being the reluctant teacher’s pet. She would have killed someone—okay, maybe only maimed someone—for the attention she’d garnered tonight. And all because six months ago she’d been one of three women at the center of a video that had gone viral online after discovering they had all been duped by the same three-timing creep.

The most ironic part in all of this? She’d started dating said creep only in the hopes of having a date for this very reunion. The prospect of showing up to yet another function alone and fending off questions about why she wasn’t settled with a husband and kids had prompted her to accept a date from the first warm body with a pulse who’d swiped right.

Just then, the banquet manager reappeared with the promised washcloth.

“Thank you.” London accepted it and ran the damp towel along her forearms. She returned her attention to Anika. “Social media blew up that thing with Craig. It really wasn’t as serious as people made it out to be.”

She could tell by Anika’s frown that she was hoping for more inside dirt, but London was done providing fodder for the rumor mill. There had to be another classmate whose crappy love life had gone viral online.

“That’s too bad,” Anika said. “You and those other two girls should have pitched it as a reality TV show, like the Real Housewives.”

As if she had time to star in a TV show. She barely had time towatchTV.

She hunched her shoulders in awhat are you gonnadogesture as Anika walked off. London glanced over to find Drew observing her with a curious expression.

“Do not even think about it,” she said. She didn’t know for sure that he was going to ask her about Craig, but whatever it was, she didn’t want to hear it. Especially from Drew.

He held his hands up. “I didn’t say anything.”

“But it’s on the tip of your tongue,” London accused.

That grin reappeared. “If it’s my tongue that interests you—”

“Shut up, Drew,” she said, cutting him off. “I knew it was smart to steer clear of you tonight.”

“So youhavebeen avoiding me.”

“Damn right I have,” she said.

She had done her best to dodge him, but this was the Hilton, not Cowboys Stadium—or whatever they called that behemoth of a dome up there in Arlington now. There were only so many places in this ballroom for a girl to hide.

What was he even doing here? As far as London knew, Drew had left Austin soon after graduation and hadn’t looked back.

Not that she kept tabs on the bastard or anything. It was just that Drew Sullivan and his millions of dollars were all any of her classmates ever talked about.

“So, what are you doing here, Drew?” she decided to ask as she dabbed at the remaining chocolate on her red sequined jumpsuit with the towel. “Your name wasn’t on the list of attendees. I know because I triple-checked.”

“I paid at the door. I hadn’t planned on being in Austin for the reunion, but since I’m in town on business, I figured why not?”

“Business, huh? What do you do again? Accountant?”

“Hedge fund manager.”

She knew exactly what he did for a living. That smug arch of his brow told her thatheknew thatsheknew. Whatever.

“Ah, that’s right. Drew Sullivan, the multimillionaire hedge fund manager.” She tipped her head to the side. “Didn’t you get caught up in some type of money-laundering scheme?”

“Nope.” He grinned. “I earned it all through hard work, the same way I did with my grades back in high school. You know, the grades that earned me co-valedictorian status?”

“Oh, there you are!” called a high-pitched voice.

London looked over her shoulder just as Tabitha Rawlings walked up to them. The former cheerleader was as perky as ever. She wore her hair in microbraids that reached her behind and still had those sculpted cheekbones that London had coveted when they were teenagers. Okay, so she still coveted those cheekbones.

Tabitha held out a glossy magazine to Drew. “I kept it in my car on the off chance you’d be here tonight,” she said. “Can you sign it for me?”

London let her nosiness get the better of her and peered over at the magazine.