Chapter Thirteen

“It’s all arranged. Lord Elgin has agreed to allow us to see some of the sculptures. But you have to realize that they aren’t properly displayed and the lighting is quite poor. It’s little better than a shed he’s got them in.”

He had been received by all three of the Sherton women, but then Lady Sherton had murmured something about speaking with the housekeeper and Vicky had promised she would be right back before hurrying from the room, leaving the two of them briefly alone with only a footman in attendance.

“Oh, Eastwood, how marvelous. I was afraid he wouldn’t allow it since everyone seems to be arguing about his collection.”

“I didn’t tell him I was bringing ladies, I’m afraid. I wasn’t sure if that would aid or hinder our cause. I said I knew some artistically inclined individuals who were most desperate to see the sculptures.”

Hilaria gurgled with laughter. “Well, Vicky is actually quite gifted at sketching, so you weren’t lying. While desperate is a stronger word than I would have used, we really are longing to see them.”

There was a pause while Camden watched her take a deep breath.

“Thank you, Eastwood. I know it’s probably silly to be so excited to see them. I know some are saying he never should have taken them from their original location, and perhaps they’re right. But it’s so thrilling to see something from the other side of the world when you know you would never be able to see them in their rightful place. It feels clandestine and intriguing. Which is perhaps why our mother wasn’t really happy about our interest in them.”

“No thanks required, I promise you. After looking into going to see it with you, I’m actually looking forward to it myself. I have been a few places, of course, but I haven’t seen anything like this either. I’m in agreement with you that it’s uncertain if taking the artifacts was the right thing to do, but since they’re here, we might as well look at them.”

“Very well, then. Let me collect my sister and a maid and we shall be ready to go.”

“A few others will meet us there.”

She hesitated for the barest fraction before smiling.

“Wonderful. Just as we planned.” And then she hurried from the room. Watching her go, Cam felt a touch of unease. He couldn’t quite place his finger on the source of it, but he had a feeling the lady was disappointed despite her professions of excitement.

Within moments, Cam was again surprised by the Sherton ladies’ efficiency. They were bowling along toward Piccadilly and Park Lane. Lord Elgin’s town house was so close to Hyde Park, perhaps they could go for a stroll after their tour. If what Cam had been told about where the sculptures were being kept proved accurate, the ladies might need some fresh air to recover from this excursion.

As they pulled up in front of Lord Elgin’s house, both of Camden’s well-born passengers stiffened slightly although their maid continued to chatter, unaware of any discomfort. The Duke of Rathnelly and Mr. Ashford Northcott were standing with Lord Elgin awaiting them.

“How delightful,” Hilaria murmured, but Cam questioned her sincerity. He saw her cast a searching glance at her sister while Vigilia was busy assembling her supplies that had gone askew during their drive. “I do hope there will be enough light for Vicky to be able to do some drawing.”

“Do you not draw?” Cam asked, curious.

“I haven’t the skill for it,” she answered. “I think, perhaps, I’m not fanciful enough to be an artist.”

“And yet you wanted to see the artifacts?”

She shrugged. “I haven’t really ever claimed to make sense,” she answered him with a smile as he handed her down from the carriage.

To Cam’s surprise, Hilaria politely greeted the gentlemen but didn’t do anything in particular to engage Rathnelly’s interest. He had been expecting to see her simpering or something, which was foolish of him. From what he knew of Hilaria Sherton, he should have realized she was not the simpering sort. He could envision Vigilia more realistically doing so, but she too seemed averse to the gentlemen, avoiding making eye contact with Northcott but dipping into a respectful curtsy before the duke.

Lord Elgin seemed torn on the subject of having ladies join their tour, but Vigilia and Hilaria quickly convinced him to be pleased as they peppered him with intelligent questions about his collection while avoiding implying he had looted another nation of their art.

“It’s such a shame circumstances have not yet allowed them to be properly displayed, but we appreciate that you’ve allowed us to have a glimpse of them nonetheless.”

Cam smiled over Hilaria’s diplomatic wording. No mention was made of the financial mess Elgin was in, nor the disastrous controversy surrounding the marbles themselves. He watched as the earl preened under the praise. He directed his servants to light more lamps, and there was a brief scramble as more crates were opened. The positive attitude of the ladies and the silence of the gentlemen seemed to have been just the right tone to achieve the greatest welcome.

“I had no idea you had so many pieces, my lord,” Hilaria said in an admiring tone. “I do hope my sister will be able to do them justice. I shan’t even attempt it, but Lady Vigilia is quite skilled with her pencils, so I’m relieved we’ll be able to admire your sculptures even after you’ve had to cover them back up.”

“You’ll be welcome to return again, if you wish to see them another time.”

“Oh, my lord, that is most generous of you.”

Cam’s amusement mounted as the vain earl preened anew under the attention of the two Sherton chits. Watching Vigilia continue to avoid Northcott while still trying to get as close as possible to the pieces on display was making it a challenge to maintain a straight face. Less amusing was seeing Rathnelly’s watchful gaze following Hilaria through the room. Few words were exchanged between the two of them, but Cam was certain he could see approval in the duke’s face as he kept his eyes on Hilaria’s form.

He ought to be happy for her. It was the purpose of their scheme from her standpoint. But for some reason it made Cam want to plant the duke a facer. Inviting the nobleman had seemed like a good idea at the time. Now he was second guessing everything. He hoped he would be able to get through the afternoon without ruining the experience for Hilaria.

Glancing around at the actual statuary, Cam found himself wondering what the earl had been thinking to bring these things back to England. To his mind, they weren’t all that attractive. But perhaps it was just that they needed some maintenance or cleaning. And just sitting atop a crate wasn’t the most picturesque means of displaying them either. Then too, being in what Cam rather suspected had once been the coal shed for this neighbourhood couldn’t be doing the marble pieces any favours either. Hilaria was clearly thinking the same thing.