“My mother offered to intervene,” she said, seemingly with regard to nothing. “I think she was concerned that my feelings were going to be hurt, and she didn’t want to allow that. Isn’t that sweet?”

Now it was Cam’s turn to examine his companion, trying to see into her mind and understand what she was leaving unsaid.

“Of course, I couldn’t accept. What we don’t need is even more attention. I would rather think that most of thetonwill see your mother as behaving strangely. Other than the fact that I am awkward, there is nothing objectionable about me. So while I would normally be sensitive and become insecure over your mother’s behaviour, for once, I know it’s not me. While we could argue that I’m partially to blame for the situation as we did scheme for this to happen, your mother’s words and actions are her own responsibility.” She paused for a moment, looking away, before her hazel gaze connected with his and Cam almost had to catch his breath. “But I do feel badly for speaking thusly about your mother.”

“Don’t bother. Clearly, I’ve thought far worse,” he reassured her with a tight grin. He didn’t know why he felt such an urge to comfort her. She wasn’t obvious about her need for comfort, so it was a strange impulse to be sure. His effort, though, was rewarded as she smiled warmly at him as their dance came to an end.

To both their surprise, there was almost a queue of gentlemen waiting to partner her in the next dance. And at least one of them was a duke, Cam noted with a tightening sensation in his chest. With a small bow he left Hilaria to her admirers.

And then he found himself brooding on the sidelines of the crowded ballroom. Hilaria’s sister found him there.

“You ought to be dancing, too, my lord,” Vigilia said gently, causing Cam’s eyebrows to inch higher on his forehead.

“Are you inviting me, my lady?” he asked, undecided if he should laugh or frown over the idea.

She shrugged. “I suppose I am. You are reputed to be an excellent dancer.”

“Why aren’t you already on the dance floor? You needn’t worry about me.”

“I’m not worried,” she countered with a smile. “I don’t know what it is, but I’m fairly certain you and Hil have some sort of plan worked out between you. I can’t even decide if it’s having success or not, as I cannot fathom what your objectives might have been. But she seems to be having a good evening, and you’re just standing here glowering.”

“I don’t glower,” he protested.

“Well, you don’t have a mirror handy, do you? Because I can assure you, you’re glowering.”

Cam grinned at her. “And you’re willing to sacrifice yourself on my behalf?”

Vigilia returned his grin. “It would hardly be a sacrifice. But I can’t see how Hil is to benefit from you frowning at the gentlemen dancing attendance on her this evening. Unless you truly are a lovely gentleman who wishes to court her. In that case, I could leave you in peace, if you wish. But even if you are courting my sister, I suppose it wouldn’t be amiss to dance with me as a member of her family.”

Cam laughed. “You are a minx.”

She laughed, too, much to his surprise. “Not really, actually. I am dreadfully boring, in fact. But my impression of you has been that you are usually quite upbeat, and that doesn’t seem to be the case this evening. And watching the two of you, I can’t begin to imagine what you’ve planned between you. But I’m fairly certain this isn’t going to work.”

“Why not? Doesn’t every young woman want someone pining for them?”

The way she wrinkled her nose reminded him of Hilaria but didn’t affect him in nearly the same way, which Cam found mildly curious.

“I wouldn’t think so. Doesn’t that actually sound very uncomfortable? To me, anyhow, it sounds like the recipe for a disaster. A gentleman pining for you implies that he has feelings you cannot reciprocate.” She paused for a moment, gazing at him in consternation. “Is that what is happening here? Has my sister rejected your suit?” Cam had to fight against more laughter as the girl’s eyes grew wider and rounder.

“Rest easy, my lady, she has not rejected me. I cannot dance attendance upon her all night, you know.”

“Well then, be a good sport and stop glaring at the other gentlemen. If you aren’t yet ready to declare yourself, you haven’t any reason to begrudge the others.”

Now Cam did laugh, drawing attention to his conversation with his supposed object of affection’s little sister. The orchestra was just striking up another dance. He could see that Hilaria was still surrounded by eager gentleman when he put out his hand for the sister.

Vigilia grinned up at him. “Wise man,” was all she bothered to say, though.

Cam was surprised to find that Vigilia was nearly as skilled a dance partner as her sister. “Are all of you such excellent dancers?”

The girl grinned anew and happily nodded. “Well, I can’t really comment too much about the little girls, as they are still in the schoolroom. But we all love to dance and have been doing so since the cradle. Our father would come into the nursery, stand us on his feet, and dance with us when we were barely able to stand. Those are precious memories for each of us, I expect. And then we danced with each other, taking turns to take the lead.”

“Ah, that explains your sister.”

The girl in his arms grinned wider. “Was she trying to take over?” She shook her head. “Poor thing. Being a girl is a challenge for her.”

Cam managed to keep the depth of his surprise to himself, but he couldn’t help glancing over at the subject of their conversation.

“I don’t see what you mean, my lady,” he managed to comment as mildly as possible. “She strikes me as being very feminine.”