“With your beauty, I would expect you to be quite inured to people’s stares.”

“That’s different,” Rosabel replied. “Those kinds of stares are just observation. There’s little to no speculation attached. Right now, everyone is wondering what we’re talking about and guessing that I’m setting my cap at you. It’ll be in all the books by morning.”

“What do you know about the books?”

“I know that people with far too much time on their hands sit around making bets upon all manner of useless subjects. Such as if or when I will finally become betrothed.”

“Who had the poor taste to tell you so?”

Rosabel should never have brought this up and would never normally have done so, but she hadn’t been prepared for the duke’s laughter. It had sent a delicious shiver of sensation through her body, and she rather suspected it had momentarily displaced her mind. She would have enjoyed the feeling except for the awkward position it now left her in.

“Thank you for not bothering to try to deny their existence.”

“Would you have believed me if I did?” He still sounded amused.

“Not in the least.”

Wexford brought his free hand up to cover hers where it rested in the crook of his elbow. Bel tried to ignore how much she enjoyed the sensation. It was a warm, comforting feeling. Not one she ever would have thought to associate with any public activity.

Like the pull of a magnet, her gaze was drawn back toward his and became ensnared.