“So, is it true that you have refused to accept any gentleman without a coronet?”

They were back in his curricle, and he couldn’t watch her closely, but he noticed the twitch of her features. He couldn’t decide if it was amusement or annoyance.

“I do believe we’ve had this conversation already, Your Grace. Are you offering me yours?”

“That doesn’t answer my question, my lady. I thought we had become friendly enough that you could tell me why you are so set on rank. You don’t strike me as the sort who wishes to be so much on display as would be required of a duchess.”

He was surprised to hear a soft sigh escape her when a quick glance showed that her face was as serene as always.

“You are correct. I have absolutely no ambition toward being a duchess. In fact, I rather think it would be lovely to marry a mere mister. But even if I were to do so, I’m fairly certain I would remain Lady Rosabel. I don’t mind that so much. But no, I am not the Sherton sister most desirous of a coronet. That title belongs squarely with Hilaria. No one can say how it became ascribed to me. But that is how gossip works. The truth of the matter is rarely taken into consideration.”

“And I suppose no one ever bothers to ask.”

“No, you’re the first in two years.” The mixture of amusement and hurt in her eyes when she turned her gaze to meet his made him react again.Why did he like her so?

“Have you any idea why your sister is so set on becoming a duchess? Does she realize how few opportunities she might have?”

“I’m afraid she might not have actually meant it when she made that declaration. It was in her first Season, and I believe she felt it would make her more interesting. Hilaria doesn’t love being my younger sister. She resented being recognized as my sister or our father’s daughter rather than her own self. I can’t blame her, I suppose. I probably wouldn’t have liked that either. But it wasn’t the best way to handle it. And of course, I don’t appreciate that it somehow got credited to me.”

“Perhaps no one thought she would have the audacity.”

“And I would?” Her incredulity caused genuine feeling to imprint upon her face. James appreciated being able to read her expression readily.

“Your beauty makes it more believable.”

She actually snorted. “That’s ridiculous. Being pretty doesn’t give one license to be insufferable.”

“It doesn’t seem as though most would agree with you.”

“Well mostareridiculous.” She said it with such disdain that James laughed loudly, bringing even more attention to them. “Behave yourself, Your Grace.” This didn’t help him with his amusement, but he managed to choke back the rest of his laughter.

“I would have to agree with you,” James finally said. “Really, no one should have license to be insufferable.”

“I think perhaps my sister hasn’t felt well received by Society so, she thinks if she were a duchess everyone would have to be nice to her. But from what I can see, it doesn’t work that way, does it?”

Now James sighed. “No, you’re right. Your sister is mistaken. There are a great many benefits to being a duke, do not mistake the matter. I have absolutely no intention of complaining about my lot, nor, as I previously mentioned, do I wish to trade it in to become a farmer. But most see the advantages as reason to resent and ignore all the responsibilities.”

“That sounds most unpleasant. My mystery mister is sounding better and better.”

James was surprised by a sense of pique over her words. “Have you found any misters to suit your fancy?”

“Not a single mister has offered for me, if you can believe it.”

James smiled at her exaggeratedly disappointed tone. “But were there any that you wished would?”

“Not in particular, sad to say.” He could actually hear a wistful note in her voice and wished she would entrust him with her true thoughts. Perhaps she still didn’t feel sufficiently comfortable with him.

“Come now, we were supposed to be amusing each other, not becoming melancholy over our respective unwed states.”

He took her soft exhalation to be a substitute for laughter and smiled. There was a pause while she glanced around. He almost choked when she finally spoke.

“Oh, deary me, look at that fast Sherton girl setting her cap at Wexford. She’ll be next to impossible now.” The croaking voice was almost identical to that of the Viscountess Whitney.

James managed to prevent his shout of laughter. It came out as more of a snort. But it was worth it to hear his companion choking to hold in her own laughter.

When they had settled down again, rather than making a mockery of their fellow members of theton, James almost squirmed under Rosabel’s steady perusal.

“As a matter of fact, Your Grace, you didn’t actually speak at all about your own unwed state. Shall I assist you in finding your duchess? Considering what we’ve discussed about all the attention she will garner, she will need to be a lady of some constitution. While I must out of loyalty offer you my sister as an option, as your friend, I would advise you to look elsewhere.”