Chapter Seventeen

Lady Katherine Allingham arrived in Town while James was out. He had almost forgotten it was the day of her arrival. James was grateful his servants were so well trained and prepared. Part of him, though, thought he would have remembered even if his butler hadn’t waited up to tell him. Suddenly, the house seemed more alive somehow, which was the strangest sensation.

The evidence of Katherine’s presence also reminded James that he had enlisted the help of the Sherton sisters to assist with her entertainment. Despite how tired he was when he arrived home, he felt a bounce in his step as he climbed the stairs to his room. If she wasn’t too tired the next day, James would be sure to escort Katherine to meet the Shertons.


James was exhausted before he had finished his second cup of coffee the next morning.

“James! You absolutely must take me everywhere. I cannot believe our mother allowed me to come by myself. I must take advantage of every moment.” Katherine’s shrill excitement helped James understand why their mother had sent the girl off. She was probably laughing into her own coffee cup thinking about James’ morning, he thought with a grim smile.

“I don’t know about taking advantage of every moment, Katherine. You must realize, I have important matters to care for besides keeping you entertained.”

“Pooh,” she declared. “Surely your matters can wait. I’m only allowed to remain two weeks. There is so much we need to do in such a short time.”

James suppressed his shudder.

“If you’d like, I have some ladies I would like to introduce you to. They have expressed an eagerness to spend some time with you, especially if I cannot be available.”

His sister narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion. “Which ladies? You aren’t trying to fob me off on strangers, are you?”

James laughed at her question but felt a twinge of guilt he tried to ignore. “I am certain you will be delighted to meet them. They are the Earl of Sherton’s three eldest daughters. The youngest of the three is not too much older than you. And the three of them seem quite congenial.”

Katherine’s eyes were still narrowed upon him but this time, rather than suspicion, she seemed speculative. “Are you courting one of these ladies? Or trying to find an excuse to be in their presence?”

James laughed again, but it felt a little forced. “No, I am not. Since when did you turn into a cynic?”

Katherine laughed along with him. “Since my brothers all left home and left me alone with our mother.”

“She’s not so bad as that,” James chided and was met with his sister’s incredulous stare.

“You don’t know, Wexford. You’re not even there. And you’re a man. And you got to leave for school. And you’re the head of the house. You just don’t even know.”

James frowned at his sister, unsure which of her complaints he ought to address.

“Did you wish to go away to school?” His question was tentative, causing his sister to huff a sigh of protest.

“You are completely missing the point. But never mind about that now. I’m here, and I am certain I will have the best fortnight ever.” She paused for a breath as she nearly bounced in her seat. “Are you nearly done? Can we go now to meet these friends?”

“Surely, that mother of ours that you think is such an ogre, has taught you that you cannot make calls while your hosts are likely to still be abed or breaking their fast.”

“Oh pooh, you are just being a spoil sport.”

“Not in the least, I can assure you. Do you not want them to like you? I can assure you, they will not be most pleased if they do not feel ready to receive. In fact, it isn’t likely their haughty butler would even announce us at this hour.”

His sister squinted at him for a moment, and James nearly laughed at the incongruous picture. Her hairstyle and clothes proclaimed her a young lady, but her expression announced she was still in the schoolroom. But he didn’t want to ruin her visit before it had properly begun, so he stifled his mirth.

“You will have to entertain yourself for a little while so I can get a few matters taken care of. Then I will be at your disposal for the rest of the day. And we will leave to visit the Shertons just as soon as it is acceptable.”

His volatile sister flew up from her chair and flung her arms around him, nearly spilling his coffee in her eagerness.

“I knew you were the best brother there could possibly be,” she declared with renewed devotion.

A couple hours later, as Phillips was announcing them, James felt as though he wanted to take to his bed until his sister’s visit had passed. He wasn’t sure if he ought to introduce Katherine into the countess’ calm household. The haughty woman wasn’t likely to take kindly to the intrusion.

He was pleased to see that he was wrong.

All four of the Sherton ladies were in the drawing room when they were shown in. They were the only occupants of the room.