“But still, I want to hear about it. Where did you go first?” She paused with a laugh. “I suppose that’s a foolish question. I’m sure you crossed the channel and went to France first.”
Wexford laughed, too. “Not such a foolish question. Some of the men choose to travel further by sea. The timing of my trip was such that it was safe to go overland, and I didn’t cherish the thought of so long on a ship. But then, to return, I did get on a ship, as I needed to be as fast as possible.”
“Of course. Did you enjoy France? Are you fluent in French?”
Rosabel knew she shouldn’t be peppering him with questions but all of a sudden, she couldn’t wait to know everything.
“Bien sure,” he replied with a wink. “Aren’t you?”
Bel laughed a little. “Well, supposedly I am, but unless I ever get to visit France, how will I ever know?”
“I see your point.” Wexford’s glance was filled with sympathy. “I did enjoy France. But Italy and Spain were even better. I suppose it was the lack of rain. And the sense of freedom that increased the further away from home I got.”
“Did you cross over to Africa? Did you reach the equator?”
Bel knew her eyes were probably growing to be as big as saucers, but she was thrilled by the thought of seeing such fascinating places and people.
“The equator was so hot. The desert was something I had never been able to completely imagine. It was far from comfortable, of course, but it was fascinating to see.”
“To be sure,” Bel agreed. “Did you ride a camel? Or an elephant? Did you see lions and tigers?”
“Yes, to all of the questions. But that was a disappointment. I didn’t actually see the lions and tigers in their own habitat. They didn’t seem as majestic and fierce as they should have. You’ve probably even seen them when there’s a menagerie here in Town.”
Bel shook her head. “Her ladyship doesn’t consider it appropriate for her daughters to witness anything that might give them a thrill.”
“Are you jesting?”
Rosabel sighed anew. “I wish I was, but no, my mother has a few strange notions. I think she, herself, is afraid of animals so couldn’t bear the thought of taking us to visit them. So, it became a household standard.”
“If we can find a visiting fair or some such, how about I take you? Surely, she would allow it if you were in my company.”
Bel shook her head. “That wouldn’t be a kindness, Your Grace. We wouldn’t want her to entertain fanciful ideas any more than she already will after today. But I thank you for the offer.”