“Why must I be after gain? Has no one ever done something for the sake of good? What areyouhoping to gain?” She knew she sounded defensive, but that couldn’t be helped. Anger was rising in her chest at the thought that he still doubted her motives.

“Don’t you have your own future to see to? Or is this still a part of your quest to better yourself?” His voice softened on his second question, and he reached out to pat her hands. Condescendingly, to Bel’s mind. “You are already a lovely person, Rosabel, no one could think otherwise. You needn’t soil your hands with this business to prove anything.”

“Your contradictory words make my head spin, Your Grace. But my offer to help had nothing to do with others’ perception of me. I would hope my involvement would never become known so, that cannot be my motivation.” She paused, not meeting his eyes. “If you must know, I’m bored and disappointed with the Season. I would like to see my sisters wed, but I don’t think I’m cut out for matchmaking. I really just want to go home, but I don’t think my mother will allow that. This would help pass the time. And if it gets a rotter out of Society, all the better.”

“But you don’t even know what he’s done or exactly what I’m investigating or how much trouble it could cause you.”

“You could tell me,” she argued, hoping he’d see reason.

“I would really rather you not be involved, Rosabel. I shouldn’t have suggested you were offering out of some sort of selfish reason. But my instinctive reaction is to keep you out of it completely.”

“Well, you failed at that rather miserably when you demanded that I accompany you this morning, don’t you think?” She countered her words with a smile, not intending offence. He answered with a rueful smile of his own.

“You do have a point.” But he sighed heavily. “I really don’t want you getting hurt, Rosabel. There is very real danger involved. I think Prescott is getting desperate. I wouldn’t want you anywhere near him.”

“Well, I certainly wasn’t proposing to have any involvement with him, to be frank. It’s all I can bear to share a ballroom with him at times. I haven’t spoken to him in over two years. But I thought, if you were questioning ladies, I could be of assistance. But I, of course, understand if you do not think it is something I could be qualified for.”

She really hadn’t meant to be manipulative but was nonetheless pleased when he sighed and turned to her with apologies written all over his face.

“I assure you, my dear Rosabel, it has nothing to do with your qualifications. I am sure you could charm information out of whomever you choose to apply your mind to. But I am not at all comfortable with your getting involved in this matter.”

“Any more than I already am, you mean,” Rosabel interrupted to add and was further pleased to see colour touching his cheeks.

“That is correct,” he agreed, his tone tight.

Rosabel relented. “Very well, Your Grace, I suppose I cannot force you into anything. But do keep me in mind should you require assistance with any female interrogations.”

“There will be no female interrogations.”

“So, I’m special, then? That’s somewhat exciting, I suppose.”

She probably shouldn’t be torturing the man, Rosabel acknowledged, but he had made her highly uncomfortable for much of the day. Really, turnabout was only fair.

“Of course, you’re special, and not for this reason. You do realize I had no choice, don’t you?”

Bel sighed softly and reached over, placing her hand lightly on his arm.

“No, I don’t realize that, Wexford, but never mind about it now. I didn’t mean to make it more difficult for you. It was difficult for me, but I don’t mean to be vengeful. Never mind Prescott or me for now. If you wish for there to be silence so you can mull it all over, that’s fine. I have my own thoughts to think. But if you’d prefer conversation, let us discuss something simpler.”

“Like what? I don’t need silence. I’d far prefer to chatter with you.”

Rosabel laughed at his wording.

“As you know, I’ve pretty much been nowhere, but I’m sure you’ve travelled. Did you take a Grand Tour? Whether you have or not, what has been your favourite place you’ve visited?”

She was rewarded for her question with his warm smile.

“I did, in fact, take the Tour. Mine was a bit abbreviated. Some of my chums were gone for a year or two. Word reached me while I was away about my father’s failing health, so I had to return.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Did you make it back in time?”

“I did, thank you. I had two months with my father before he passed. I was grateful that I returned. But life has never been so carefree as those seven months abroad. So, my memories and choice of favourite places is a little coloured by that fact. Every place we visited was thrilling and wonderful. I’m not certain if they would be nearly so wonderful if I was to return.”

Rosabel hummed in response. “I suppose I can understand why that might be the case. It’s like the first visit I can remember making to London. Gunther’s was a marvel when I was a little girl. I know it’s not the same as visiting another country and seeing such marvellous sites, but I understand how time and experience can alter your view of somewhere. And I know what a disappointment it can be when it isn’t as wonderful as you remembered.”

Bel hadn’t realized she had left her hand still on his sleeve until he transferred his reins to allow himself to reach and pat her hand gently.

“You do understand,” he agreed with a soft smile.