Chapter Fourteen

Rosabel blinked. Wexford had suddenly grown cooler. It was just as well. She needed to rein in her burgeoning feelings for him. She didn’t want to be part of his life on the forefront of Society. And she didn’t appreciate the fact that he was involved in investigations about Prescott. She trusted that he would keep her secrets confidential, but she couldn’t be involved in any way.

“It’s about time that I collect Sally, anyway,” Rosabel agreed, rising to her feet. “The time has probably fled faster than we thought, as it often does.”

“Especially when one is having a good time,” Wexford agreed, his smile warming her even as he headed toward the door. “I’ll see about the carriage.”

With that he was out the door, leaving Rosabel staring after him in consternation. She didn’t think it was anything she had said. Perhaps he had remembered an appointment he needed to get to. Rosabel glanced around, wondering if there was a clock that had caught his eye, but she couldn’t see or hear one. With a shrug, she proceeded to do as she had said, heading toward the taproom where she was sure to find her maid.

It would seem her maid hadn’t been bored while Rosabel and Wexford had their quiet tea. The room was alive with chatter and laughter. Bel couldn’t help the smile that stretched her face as she watched the scene as though it were a performance for her enjoyment.

Within moments, though, the occupants realized she was there, and their fun was ruined.

“My apologizes, my good people, I didn’t mean to interrupt, but I need to be on my way and need my companion.”

“Oh, my lady, no need to apologize. I do hope I haven’t kept you waiting.” Sally was bobbing curtseys even as she was struggling to don her wrap and run toward her mistress.

“Not in the least, Sally, we have just now decided that we ought to be back on the road.”

“Very good, my lady. It was such a good time I was having. I’m ever so glad I came with you. Even though, of course, that is to say, I wish you hadn’t been made to be uncomfortable, of course.”

Rosabel laughed lightly. “Don’t worry about it, Sally, I know exactly what you meant. I’m glad you were able to have a good time. There’s no need to sit in mourning for my sad tale. If anything, it tells us we need to live our lives, not sit around feeling overwhelmed or overprotective. I’m very happy that you came with me and that you’ve been paid with a bit of fun. But come along. I’m sure you can imagine that the countess will be having fits soon if we aren’t back.”

“To be sure,” Sally agreed as she hurried along beside her mistress. “Although, there is good reason to believe that she and your sisters would have remained abed until quite late, so they probably haven’t had all that much time to miss you.”

“That is a possibility, Sally. But there’s also a chance that she’ll ask Tom or Mr. Philips what time we departed.”

The maid nodded glumly, and Rosabel smiled. “But we won’t know until we get there so, there’s no need for us to worry overmuch now. And you needn’t worry in the least. It won’t be you that will have a peal wrung over her head.”

Sally grinned. “Very true, my lady.”

By now they had reached the courtyard where Wexford was awaiting them. Sally grew bashful when he offered her his hand to assist her into his carriage. Rosabel smiled at the sight. But then she, too, became a little flustered when the duke put his warm hands around her waist to lift her up to her seat.

“Thank you, Your Grace,” she murmured, her eyes downcast before his low chuckle brought her gaze to meet his. Rosabel’s breath caught in her throat, but she ignored the sensation. The Duke of Wexford was not for her, she reminded herself, ignoring, too, the churning in her stomach that told her how divided she was on the subject.

Finally, after such a fluttery, heart-stopping moment of heat while he held her and slowly lifted her into the carriage, Rosabel arranged her skirts and hoped her flaming face didn’t betray her too desperately. She comforted herself with the thought that Wexford’s attention would need to be focused on the horses for a time and not on her. Perhaps he wouldn’t notice how flustered she had become. She knew it was a stretch of the imagination, as the noblemen didn’t seem to miss a thing. Just the fact that he had noticed that she was watching him that night had led to this excursion today, she reminded herself, trying not to despair.

They were well out of the courtyard, the horses swiftly eating up the distance between the inn and Town, when Bel finally broke the silence that had grown between them. The silence hadn’t become uncomfortable, but she still had questions.

“What will you do now, about Prescott, I mean? I haven’t really helped you at all, and now you’ve lost a day.”

The surprised expression he cast at her was strangely comforting.

“You have helped, Rosabel. For one thing, knowing his actions are far from new, is helpful, if disappointing. For another, now that I know you aren’t involved in any way, I can focus my attention elsewhere.”

Rosabel’s heart sank. Which was ridiculous, she chided herself. There was absolutely no reason to be disappointed that his recent attentions were only prompted by his investigation into Prescott. She didn’t want to be courted by a duke, she reminded herself firmly. Watching the scenery pass by, Bel wished wholeheartedly that the Season were nearly over instead of barely just beginning. There would be several more weeks of the senseless activities to get through. She brightened with a possibility. Perhaps she could occupy herself with assisting the investigation.

“Do you have reason to believe a woman or women are involved in whatever plot you suspect Prescott to be scheming?”

“Why do you ask?”

Bel wanted to be angry with him for always countering her questions with ones of his own, but she was too eager for the answer.

“I was thinking that perhaps I could help you. Women might not be as free with the truth while speaking with you as they might be with another woman. Especially if you think other members of thetonmight be involved.”

“Why would you want to involve yourself? What would you hope to gain from it?”

Rosabel’s heart sank further.