Chapter Eleven

James stared at the handsome façade of the Sherton townhouse. It was a large home, not as large as his, but still quite impressive for a London home. From where he sat in the front seat of his curricle, it didn’t look as though there was any movement in the house.

He probably shouldn’t be there. The street was quiet with only a few servants hurrying along the sidewalk with very little clatter and only glancing at him out of the corner of their eyes. James’ smile was rueful as he recognized that even this early hour wouldn’t protect the lady from gossip.

Just as he was about to goad his horses into movement to take him home, he saw a face at an upstairs window for just a flash of a moment. He couldn’t be sure that it was her, but something gave him the feeling it was Rosabel. His resolve firmed. He couldn’t postpone questioning her any longer. His momentary thought to give her a reprieve was foolish. If he returned later in the day, he would only open her up to more speculation, besides delaying his investigation that much longer. It had already been too long. He needed the Prescott matter wrapped up. It would have been better if it was over already. The colonies could not be allowed to destabilize through Prescott’s schemes. He couldn’t allow his convoluted feelings for this young woman to interfere any longer.

Wexford hadn’t brought a servant with him so for a brief moment, he wondered what he ought to do about his team. Before he could even get down to tie his traces, a footman was coming down the Shertons’ stairs.

“Good morning, Your Grace. Would you like me to hold your horses for you? Or would you like to just wait a moment? Her ladyship should be along in just a moment. She is just writing a note so Lady Sherton won’t wonder what became of her.”

“Thank you. I’ll be happy to wait, in that case.”

James was fairly certain the lady would be accompanied by one of her sisters or her maid, which was why he had left his own servant behind. So, he wasn’t in the least surprised to see another young woman bouncing down the steps when Rosabel finally appeared, following behind her closely but with more grace. Rosabel’s expression revealed none of her thoughts, but the maid appeared happy for the outing.

“Thank you, Tom,” Lady Rosabel murmured as the footman helped her up into the carriage. Tom then quickly handed up the maid and watched as Wexford allowed his horses to pull them away from the edge of the street.

“I wasn’t sure if you would turn up.”

“Then why were you waiting in front of my house?”

James chuckled. He laughed even harder when he heard the maid snort behind him, as though she were trying to suppress her amusement and was failing.

“Hope springs eternal,” James finally answered in as grave a tone as he could manage around his mirth. That earned him a frown from the beauty by his side.

“Well, I appreciate that you didn’t knock and wake the household.”

“And I appreciate that you didn’t make me.”

The look she then turned on him appeared speculative.

“I wonder if you really would have,” she murmured. “The fact that you were just sitting there in front of the house leads me to believe that you were perhaps having second thoughts. Perhaps you had begun to realize that you were being foolish to think I have anything of import to say on any subject.”

“Now, my lady, that is going altogether too far. I am certain that you have many things of import to say on many subjects.”

This earned him a snort from the rear once more. He glanced at Rosabel with a quirked eyebrow, earning him a slight smile for the first time since she’d joined him.

“Doing it a little too brown, am I?”

“Perhaps a touch.” The laughter he observed in her gaze made his heart swell. Despite the fact that she didn’t appear to be cooperating with him, he found he quite liked the girl. It was true that she had caused him to question her stability on a few occasions, but he suspected there were reasons for that. Reasons that he hoped she would share with him. James found himself wanting to know everything about the young woman sitting calmly by his side. If only he didn’t have this blasted investigation hanging over his head.

They sat in almost companionable silence for a few moments as he navigated the streets, making swift progress as there was far less traffic at this early hour.

“Where are we going, might I be so bold as to ask?”

Her tone was deceptively mild. James doubted she was quite so sanguine about going with him to some unknown destination.

“What did you tell your mother?”

“I beg your pardon?” She seemed puzzled over his apparent turn of the subject.

“Your footman, Tom, was it? He mentioned that you would be right along, as soon as you finished writing a note to let your mother know where you’d be.”

James was surprised to see colour tingeing her cheeks.

“I was deliberately vague, as I had no idea where we might be going. But I did say I’d be in your company, so they would know where to start the investigation if you see fit to do away with me.”

James laughed a little at her words before turning a sharp examination upon her face. Surprisingly, she met his gaze with her own. He could see challenge there, but also, to his shame, a glimmer of fear. He reached over and clasped her hand, again surprised at how natural it felt. Hers trembled slightly, but she didn’t shake him off. Rather, she turned it over within his grasp and returned the pressure, as though seeking and offering comfort simultaneously. His heart turned over in his chest, and he vowed to himself to protect this woman, no matter where the investigation led.