“Oh, of course, my lady. I’m always up early.”

“Really? Even when you’ve had to wait up for me?”

Now it was the maid’s turn to shrug. “I often nap after you leave for the evening, while I await your return.” She blushed as though confessing a grave sin.

“Did you tonight?”

Rosabel’s heart pinched a little, knowing she was putting the maid on the spot, but she had to know if she could rely on her to wake up in time.

“I did.”

“Wonderful, that’s such a relief.”

“You won’t tell Mrs. Philips?”

“No, why would I?”

“She thinks I do your mending while you’re out at night.”

Finally, Rosabel had a reason to laugh. “Would she expect you to do other chores?”


“Well, seeing as you always have all my things well taken care of, I don’t see that there’s anything for Mrs. Philips to know about. You probably do all the chores when you get up so early in the morning. So really, it’s just an equalizing. A body needs its sleep. I’m sorry if my asking embarrassed you. I just need to be sure that you will be able to wake me up. I need to be dressed and ready in case he does turn up. I have a hard time believing that Wexford will manage to be out of bed at such an early hour, let alone calling round for me. But I need to be prepared in case he does.”

“Have you told Lady Sherton?”

Despite her usual ability to hide her feelings, Rosabel’s cheeks heated. “No. I was planning to leave her a note. Since I’m that sure he won’t come, I didn’t think there was any reason to raise a hue and a cry needlessly.”

The maid nodded and, having finished getting her mistress ready for bed, prodded Rosabel up from the dressing table.

“If all this is true, then you ought to be sleeping already.” She pulled back the covers and steadied Bel as she climbed up into the high bed. “Now, see that you don’t allow these anxious thoughts to chase themselves around in your head and keep you awake. Nothing will be served by not sleeping. Tomorrow is soon enough for tomorrow’s problems.”

“You’re so wise, Sally,” Rosabel said around a wide yawn.

What felt like a blink and a heartbeat later, Sally was shaking her gently.

Rosabel groaned.

“What is it?”

“It’s morning, my lady.”

With a gasp, Rosabel sat upright in the bed.

“Good heavens, what time is it?”

“Hush, my lady, there’s plenty of time. I’ve got your chocolate here and some toast for you to break your fast while I do something with your hair. It’s quarter past nine but there’s plenty of time.”

Rosabel’s stomach churned. “I don’t think I can eat.”

“You’ll have to, now don’t be childish. I knew you’d be nervous, that’s why I only brought toast. But you need to eat it. If you’re serious about keeping your secrets from Wexford, you’ll be needing every ounce of your strength.”

Bel knew Sally was right, so she took a tentative bite of the toast and a sip of her chocolate. To her surprise, it was strangely comforting, and she was able to eat it all.