Despite that warning thought, though, Rosabel was looking forward to the Rose Park ball. She, of course, loved to dance, and she had never suffered the indignity of being a wallflower, so she could wait with anticipation to see who she would partner with that night. Most gentlemen of thetonwere skilled dancers. It was rare that her toes were at risk. She had nothing to fear on that score. But her excitement for the evening was tempered by her inexplicable preoccupation with Wexford. Remembering, she pushed him from her mind once more and turned to the lady beside her.
“Have you received your vouchers to Almack’s? Last we spoke, you were still waiting.”
Perhaps it wasn’t the best question. The young lady nearly squealed with her excitement.
“Yes, they arrived yesterday. We shall be going to the next assembly. It was cutting it rather close, I suppose, but we were nearly certain they would arrive, so we hadn’t accepted any other invitations for that evening.”
“That was well planned,” Rosabel murmured.
“Wasn’t it? My mama is so wise. She has every intention of firing me off without a hitch.”
“And how do you feel about that?” Rosabel couldn’t prevent the question, despite the unpredictable nature of potential answers.
“Oh, well, I must get married as soon as possible, so I’m glad she has a plan.”
“Are you looking forward to marriage?”
“Of course, aren’t you?” the other girl asked before colouring to her hairline. Rosabel struggled against laughter. Clearly, the debutante had just remembered that Bel was still single in her third Season.
“Perhaps you don’t mind staying with your family, and I suppose your circumstances are quite different, but I need to marry well, and quickly, or we’ll be in a fine fix.”
Rosabel could see that the younger woman didn’t really mind the sacrifice she was being asked to make for her family so, she made an effort to keep her opinion to herself. “I do hope you’ll enjoy yourself at Almack’s. The dancing is always lovely, as they have very skilled musicians and a beautiful ballroom.”
“I suppose you attend regularly?” The other girl now sounded slightly resentful, leading Rosabel to regret the conversation.
“Not as often as we used to, but we do attend occasionally. Vigilia prefers other entertainments, and for the most part we travel as a troupe.”
Miss Charringtonwrinkled her nose. “That’s one advantage of being fired off quickly. I don’t have to share my Season with my younger sisters.”
“There are advantages and disadvantages to be sure,” Rosabel agreed lightly, relieved to hear the stir at the doorway indicating the gentlemen were returning. “Enjoy your evening,” she said as a farewell.
“You as well.”
Rosabel suspected the younger woman was too polite to tell her she didn’t actually hope she enjoyed her evening. Her efforts at kindness were not being reciprocated. Perhaps it was a senseless pursuit. Bel hated to consider the Season to be a competition, but she supposed, in some ways, it truly was. Marriage amongst thetoncould be seen as a business arrangement. The girl who landed the gentleman with the highest income could be deemed the winner. If those were the stakes, Bel would have “won” in her first Season if she had so wished. But she had already resolved to find a love match.
She occasionally wondered if she was being foolish beyond forgiveness. She had yet to find someone who professed to love her, or anyone she thought she could truly love. With a sinking heart, she wondered if she had been foolish to set that as her goal. Perhaps she had read too many fairy tales. Or she hadn’t thought the matter through sufficiently. Her parents loved each other; of that she was certain. But she was also aware that they had not been a love match to begin with. So perhaps, she had been expecting too much. Of course, she hadn’t been a total fool. She had also decided she didn’t want to wed a nobleman. A plain mister hadn’t yet approached her father. So perhaps, she just needed to continue to bide her time. She knew they existed. She just needed to maintain her patience. And ignore the jealous cats sharing the Season.
Bel was the first to respond to her mother’s indication that it was time to take their leave. She was anxious to move on with her evening. Hilaria and Vicky were surprisingly caught up in their various conversations so, it was a couple moments before they joined their family, but the Shertons were soon on their way to their next engagement.