Chapter Six

James was engaged in an important conversation when he felt a bewildering sensation creep along his scalp, seconds before the attention of the gentleman he was speaking with strayed away.

“Isn’t she the most exquisite creature?” James knew before he even turned that Rosabel Sherton had arrived in the ballroom. “If only I was thirty years younger,” the man concluded.

“And still single, I suppose, too,” James drawled, trying not to plant the offensive man a facer for speaking so disrespectfully of the young woman.

The aging viscount grinned. “Of course, of course. Although my lady would understand, I think. Even she agrees the Sherton chit is a diamond.”

If James didn’t need the other man’s support on a piece of legislation he was trying to get passed in the House of Lords, he would walk away right that minute. The moment he realized that was his inclination was when he knew he was in trouble. He had never felt so protective of a woman, who was not a family member or one of his dependents. He hoped he would be able to avoid her. It shouldn’t be that hard in the crowded ballroom.

“Lady Rosabel.” Viscount Sterling hailed the young woman as she passed nearby, making James grind his teeth.So much for avoiding her.

“My lord, Your Grace.” She dipped into a respectful curtsy as she offered her brief greetings. “Have you met my sister, Lady Vigilia?”

The younger woman stepped forward to offer her hand and a curtsy, first to the older gentleman, then to the duke.

“Lady Vigilia, it’s a pleasure to see you again. How are you enjoying your Season?” James ignored the anxiety he could feel radiating from Lady Rosabel over his question. He was well aware she was concerned for her sister, but it would hardly be seemly if he didn’t ask the young woman.

“It has been quite an adventure,” the younger woman replied with a sunny smile. It wasn’t the response James had been expecting.

“An adventure?” he asked with a teasing smile. “What have you been getting up to?”

He shouldn’t have teased as the young woman was clearly unused to it, but he enjoyed her awkward response as she ducked her head bashfully. His own sister would be making her debut the following year and in that moment, he dreaded the experience. He needed to shake the thought off. It wouldn’t do to drift off into an unpleasant reverie while in conversation with others.

To his surprised amusement, the young woman’s confused embarrassment passed quickly, and she had struck up an intelligent sounding conversation with Lord Sterling, choosing to politely ignore James. The orchestra had begun to play after their recent break. It was a waltz, despite the scandalous nature of the dance. Still feeling mischievous, James turned to Lady Rosabel.

“Could I have the pleasure of your company for the dance?”

Her widened gaze met his, and James held his breath awaiting her answer. He watched as her gaze flicked to her sister, and he could almost see her worry even though her features remained nearly perfectly serene. James was almost expecting her to decline so, he was surprised and pleased when she reached out to accept his hand.

“Have I damaged your reputation by inviting you to waltz?”

“Not as long as I don’t appear to enjoy it overly.” Her reply was accompanied by the slightest glimmer of a smile, and he could see the amusement in the depths of her gaze. James’ nerves eased.

“I probably shouldn’t have asked you.”

“I probably should have said no.”

James finally relaxed and grinned. “How do you know the steps?”

“Every dancing instructor in the city has been teaching the steps for a few years now. Even if it’s scandalous, everyone wants to be prepared just in case.”

“You are a graceful dancer.”

“Thank you, Your Grace. Now, if you’re quite done trying to avoid the subject, might I ask why you felt the need to ask my sister how she is enjoying the Season? Did I not tell you how despondent she was over Georgia’s wedding?”

“You did tell me that, and I did remember you saying so. But I must point out to you that your sister doesn’t seem in the least on the verge of sinking into a decline. In fact, she blessed me with the happiest smile I’ve seen on a debutante. You might actually wish to take after her. She doesn’t strike me as the sort who would leave a man wondering what she was thinking.”

James again held his breath as he awaited her response. He was acting like a schoolboy over this woman, and it was ridiculous. But he still anxiously awaited her answer. To his amazement, she offered him a genuine smile for a brief moment before her face resumed its usual serene expression.

“I think my sister might hide her true feelings in a different way than I do. But it is also possible that I read too much into her initial reaction to the wedding.” She was quiet for a moment as they stepped into a turn. James enjoyed the moment. She was a delightful dance partner. “The fact is, I am new to trying to discern the feelings of others. So perhaps, I was mistaken about hers. I should have recalled that she had been expecting Georgia to return to Sherton after only two weeks, so perhaps she was thrilled about her marriage and the fact that she will probably be able to see more of her friend in the future, now that she has married a nobleman.”

“Did you think they wouldn’t be able to see each other otherwise?”

“Likely not as freely. Georgia was planning to marry someone from the village and go into trade of some sort. She has several young brothers and sisters that she feels responsible for so, she felt the need to provide for them. She had no expectation of marrying anyone when she came with Vicky for a little taste of the Season. Now, as Lady Crossley, she’ll no doubt be coming for the Season each year. I don’t think Lord Crossley is terribly active politically, but he does take his seat, from what I understand.”

“You are right about Crossley. He will be taking his seat in the House. So, if your sister is in Town, she should have plenty of time to see her friend.”