“I am much obliged, but I’m fairly certain this would not be an appropriate subject for us to discuss.”

“Why ever not? We discussed my ideal mister. What’s your ideal? A simpering debutante? A mature widow? A bluestocking?”

“You’re rather extreme in your suggestions, are you not?”

She giggled and smiled, more natural than he had yet seen her. “Not at all. You know you could have your pick of any available woman, noble or gentry or otherwise. So, it just leaves you to decide what you’re looking for in a duchess.”

James smiled. “That’s just it. The requirements for a duchess might be different from that of my choice of wife.”

She tilted her head and examined his face for a moment before nodding, even as her face turned a slight pink. “I suppose I can see your point. You might enjoy the company of a certain type of female that wouldn’t be in the least appropriate for the role of your duchess.”

James’ shout of laughter once again drew the attention of everyone within range, even those who had previously been trying to appear as though they weren’t paying attention to the duke and his companion.

“Wexford, behave,” she hissed at him, making it even harder for him to stop laughing.

“I do apologize, but perhaps you should be the one told to behave. What do you know about females inappropriate to be a duchess?”

He had to work hard to not laugh again as her face turned a deeper red. She almost sputtered as she replied but managed to hold onto her dignity.

“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about nor why it would cause you such amusement. Any manner of women might not be suited to the role of duchess. A school room miss fresh from the highlands, for example, might be pleasant company but would struggle with the task of helping you shoulder your responsibilities.”

James blinked at her and could barely keep his attention on what his horses were doing. It was a relief they had already worked out their fidgets as he couldn’t take his eyes off Rosabel, he was so arrested by her words.

“Do you really think my wife would consider taking on any of my responsibilities?” He hardly recognized his own voice, and he gave in to the urge to clear his throat.

Now she was staring at him in confusion. “Well, I would think so. Isn’t that the point of marriage?”

“Well, there is the succession.”

“Surely, that isn’t the only thing. And besides, as my mother can attest to, the male child is not guaranteed.”

James tilted his head in question of her slightly bitter tone. She was a surprisingly pleasant companion. He had not heard her utter a negative word before then.

“Does it bother you that you don’t have a brother?”

“It doesn’t bother me in the least, but I know it bothers my mother. And one of my sisters. Well, more accurately, Hilaria is bothered by the fact that she isn’t my brother. For some reason, she has always felt that she should have been our father’s son and therefore the heir. It might be part of why she’s so obsessed with becoming a duchess. Somehow, that would redeem her for having been born a girl, in her mind. Or so it seems to me. We have never actually discussed it, as she refuses to do so.”

There was a lull while they both thought about their own concerns. Finally, James broke the silence.

“It’s quite a novel idea to me that my duchess could be my partner. It adds an entirely new dimension to the thought of marriage.”

“I’m quite surprised by this. Did your mother not assist your father? I could be completely wrong about this as, of course, I am not in very close association with any dukes, but I can attest to the fact that my mother does a great deal to assist my father. Perhaps it is merely her temperament, but I always thought it was the way of things.” Her slight smile was self-deprecating before she continued. “I suppose that’s how everyone is. We always think our own childhood was the norm.”

“I was exposed to my friends’ families during school holidays, so I was already aware that my childhood wasn’t necessarily the norm, but I haven’t witnessed many ladies taking on much of a household role besides decorating and child-bearing.”

Again, Rosabel’s cheeks coloured, but she offered him a slight smile. “Well, then, perhaps it’s just Lady Sherton.” She seemed embarrassed for a moment but then brightened. “But if that’s the case, then the idea that I had might be of merit.”

“What idea is that?”

“My sister might be the perfect match for you.”

“Your sister? I thought you warned me away from Lady Hilaria.”

“Not Hil. Do remember that I have several. I was thinking of Vicky, Lady Vigilia.”

“The one who shall be moping over Crossley’s marriage for months to come?”

She giggled, to his surprise. “That’s the one. But I’m sure if she were being courted, she would quickly perk right up.”