“I find that hard to believe. And it would be quite a shame besides.”

“You don’t think I have it in me to spoil children?”

James could tell from the twinkle in her gaze and the crinkles in the corner of her eyes that she was amused rather than offended.

“I think everyone can spoil children. I doubt you’ll remain a maiden.” He should have guarded his wording he realized as her cheeks flamed. James decided to ignore the awkward moment and plow on.

“Did you give any further thought to whether or not you plan to be the champion of wallflowers everywhere?”

Another choke of laughter rewarded his efforts at changing the subject.

The first reply was her soft sigh. “Further thought, yes, conclusion, no.”

He was surprised to see her hands flutter in her lap. It was the first sign of agitation he had ever witnessed from her. He slowed his team even further, bringing them nearly to a stop, and turned his full attention upon her. “Do you care to stroll and discuss the matter?”

Her hands stilled, and she smiled slightly. “What of your restive horses?”

“They aren’t nearly so agitated now that they’ve had work to do for a while. My tiger will handle them easily.”

James was surprised to see her gaze sweep their surroundings. “Are you not concerned about the talk that will ensue?”

“There is sure to be talk whether we walk or merely continue with our drive. I am of a mind to ignore them all and do as I please.”

With a decisive nod she agreed with him. “Very well,” she said as she began to climb out of the tall vehicle.

“Wait a moment, and I’ll assist you.” James jumped down to the sound of her sniff.

“I could have done it myself.”

“I’m sure you could, but would you deprive me of the pleasure?”

James enjoyed the feel of his hands wrapped around her small waist as he lowered her to the ground, far slower than was absolutely necessary for her safety. He watched with interest as she cast her eyes downward in a display of confused modesty, and her cheeks turned pink once more. She quickly recovered her composure, and her slightly elevated eyebrow indicated her desire for him to unhand her. Or so he imagined, as he felt his own cheekbones heating and he quickly stepped away from her.

“Thank you,” she murmured, and he wasn’t sure if it was for his assistance or for stepping away. Either way, he kept an appropriate distance even as he picked up her hand and threaded it through his elbow.

“Tell me a little more about Sherton and Glendale. I have property not terribly far from there that I don’t visit frequently. I have never been to your father’s estates.”

It seemed to be the perfect question, as she had the most to say of any other topic they had touched upon.

“I may be biased, but I think Sherton is the most beautiful estate in the realm,” she began with a little laugh, almost self-deprecating. “Not that I’ve been to so very many estates, mind you. But I think it’s the perfect size for a large family. We even have the requisite Royal Wing in case His Majesty should ever wish to visit, even though, as my father is merely an earl, it isn’t highly likely, but one must always be in readiness.”

James laughed. “True. It isn’t so very frequent even for a duke to receive a member of the royal family.”

“Truly? I would have thought the Prince Regent might be a frequent guest.”

“We are not well matched in age or temperament,” James replied, avoiding a direct criticism, which brought a real smile to his companion’s face.

“I suppose I can see that. But I would have thought that just being a duke would bring you in line for visitations.”

James laughed. “I didn’t say they never visited, just that it isn’t a very frequent occurrence. Considering that most of my estates are not on the way to any of the places the Prince of Wales favours, he doesn’t stop by too often. And of course, Caroline doesn’t travel at all, and the King and Queen rarely. The other princes and dukes have stopped in, on occasion, but that too isn’t common.”

He wanted to laugh again at the rapid blinking of her gaze. “You make that sound so trivial, as though it doesn’t take an inordinate amount of work to prepare for such a visitation.”

James shrugged. “To be frank, for me, it isn’t a great deal of work. This is why one must employ a rather large army of servants. Ducal residences are always at the ready for anything. As such, it would actually be hugely disappointing if no one were to ever take advantage, don’t you think?”

He was again rewarded with a slight giggle. “I had never viewed it in such a manner, but I suppose it would never do to disappoint the servants.”

James smiled over her dry tone.