“Surely not. Would she not fear for her position by bringing violence upon the ducal person?” Bel was once again warmed by the expression of amusement in the duke’s eyes as they met hers.

“Well, I was a mere earl at the time, and only a courtesy title, at that, so I suppose not, as it happened quite frequently.” His rueful tone caused Rosabel to choke back a giggle. “Anyhow, I am sincere in my apology, but perhaps you will absolve me if I offer an explanation along with my regrets.”

“Perhaps,” Rosabel replied, cutting off her grin in response to his answering laugh.

“This particular team has been overeating in my stables and haven’t been out in a couple days. I had them harnessed up with the intention of driving for a while before picking you up, but I was running late so I came straight to your street from my mews. They were still feeling feisty and wanting to kick against the traces.”

“Well then, I should say that I appreciate our safe arrival. I suppose that explains the breakneck speed with which we arrived at the park.”

Wexford cast her a speculative glance. “Were you nervous, my lady? You hid it very well.”

“Thank you,” she replied, not bothering to deny the truth.


James wanted to stare at the young woman at his side. She was lovely to look at, of course, but he found her to be more fascinating than any woman he’d ever met, certainly far more so than any debutante. Her self-possession was remarkable and admirable. She would be a formidable matron given time, he thought. He supposed hehadbeen rude toward her. No one had ever called him on his behavior since he had succeeded to his title. It was rather refreshing, despite being a trifle uncomfortable.

“And how do you account for your lack of recounting all and sundry that you have done and purchased of late? Was that also because I didn’t greet you properly?” Now James was becoming truly curious about this young woman.

He was pleased that she was finally displaying a degree of reaction, as she turned toward him with her eyebrows elevated. “As you probably know, I don’t have any brothers, but I am fairly certain it is not the least bit interesting to a gentleman to hear about a lady’s shopping expeditions.” She paused for a moment, considering. “Well, I suppose some might be interested, but despite your fashionable attire, I wouldn’t peg you as a dandy. And while I am sure you have reason to be interested in the goings on of Society, you don’t strike me as a gossip, so it isn’t likely that you would be interested in my chatter about who I’ve danced or spoken with this week.”

“That’s quite astute of you, my lady,” he drawled.

There was a moment of silence before he broke it. “I’ve never met a young lady who didn’t chatter before. You are quite unique. And I’m impressed with how you contained any qualms you might have felt at our pace.”

James was pleased to finally hear a low tinkle of laughter coming from his companion. She was so self-contained that he hadn’t thought he would finally receive any reaction from her. It was gratifying that he could surprise a giggle out of her. It urged him to try all the harder.

“I am the oldest of five girls. I learned long ago to choose wisely when I wish to be heard.”

“I would have thought that as the oldest you would always be listened to.”

“Have you not met at least two of my sisters?” Her droll tone made James smile.

“I have. You’re right. They never learned your skill.”

“No. And my parents were quite adamant that as the oldest, it was my duty to allow them to be heard. Since Hilaria and Vicky are so close to me in age, it was highly disturbing when we were girls, but it is now quite normal. The good news is, they do usually listen when I speak, since they aren’t used to ignoring me as they would have been otherwise.”

“What about your youngest sisters? I believe there’s a bit of a gap.”

“Yes, Felicity and Grace are still in the school room, much to their dismay. They would like to think they are ready to be young ladies, but they are still quite young in both age and personality. But it will be good for them to have each other. They are also close in age to one another. Perhaps they’ll make their debut together.”

“Do girls enjoy having their sister to debut with?”

She flashed him a brief smile, and James felt a flutter in his midsection. It was the strangest sensation. He knew she was pretty, it was impossible to avoid that fact, but he had never felt the fierce flare of attraction that seized him now. At least, not since he was a youth, meeting girls for the first time. It was an unnerving sensation. He tried to return his attention to what she was saying.

“I suppose I’m the only one of the Sherton Sisters who truly had their own debut. Even the babies will be judged by us older sisters when they eventually make their curtsy to Society. Hilaria hates it. She’s furious that I’m still unwed. Vicky, that is Vigilia, doesn’t seem to mind or care in the least. She even brought a friend along, and we have seen how that turned out.”

“Ah yes, the newest countess. Lady Vigilia must be the least possessive female of my acquaintance, in that case.”

He couldn’t quite interpret the flash of emotion that flitted through Rosabel’s gaze, but she nodded slightly. “She is the middle sister in every sense of the word. The only one of us with such a close friendship with someone not a family member. And she’s been forced to share in both directions with her sisters. Hil is the middle of us oldest girls, which probably is part of her issue with sharing with me. Now she has meandVicky interfering with her success, in her opinion.”

James chuckled. “You don’t think her lack of success should be blamed on your beauty?” To his surprised delight, his question brought a blush to her cheeks. Despite the heat in her face, though, she kept a composed expression.

“Not in the least. She is her own person and very different from me. While our dowries and position are the same, we shouldn’t appeal to the same gentlemen.”

“True, but most families hope to have their daughters married off in succession, do they not?”

Rosabel offered him a dainty shrug. “My parents would never prevent Hilaria from accepting an offer she wanted, even if I were still on their hands.” There was a pause before she concluded, “Perhaps I shall be the favourite maiden aunt travelling between my sisters’ homes taking turns spoiling their children.”