“Go ahead and consult with your suitor, my dear,” Connie offered kindly. “I likely won’t even need your company if I approach our hostess first, so this needn’t besmirch you in any way.”

Peggy scowled. “I’m not concerned about being besmirched, my lady. You are my primary concern. Of course, I will remain by your side.”

Connie grinned despite the seriousness of the situation. It was good to have ones you could depend on, even if you had to pay them. That thought almost tripped up her enthusiasm, but she refused to allow herself to be distracted. This was her life, and she would make the most of it that she could.

The guests began to disperse to prepare for supper, and Connie took the opportunity to approach Lady Adelaide. She knew the woman would probably be preoccupied with preparations, but it was the best time to not be disturbed by other guests.

“My lady, might I have a word?”

“Of course, Lady Constance, how can I be of assistance?” Despite what was likely a harried situation, Connie was impressed with their hostess’ presence of mind.

“I would like to help with the investigation.” Connie didn’t bother dancing around the topic.

Lady Adelaide stared at her for a moment before a grin spread across her face. “How delightful,” she said, causing Connie’s eyebrows to rise. Was the woman daft? While Connie was determined to be involved, she had expected some sort of resistance to her offer.

“I am not completely certain how the gentlemen will feel about our involvement, but we shall insist,” Lady Adelaide said, putting her hand through Connie’s bent elbow. “Politely, of course, in such a way that they shan’t even realize. Let us strategize after supper,” she continued, with a grin.

Connie’s heart lifted somewhat. It seemed to her as though she didn’t have much to look forward to, so suddenly she was much more optimistic about her future. At least an adventure of some sort, and of a different variety than her travels. Excitement started to fill her. But she wasn’t certain what else to say to her hostess.

Lady Adelaide squeezed her arm where her hand rested in the crook of Connie’s elbow. “We shall discuss it later. Right now, I have things to do in preparation for the supper and no doubt you do as well. But I promise, I shan’t forget.”

Connie was most pleased with the other woman and happily allowed her to disengage and slip down a hallway. Turning back to Peggy, Connie was able to settle in beside her with complete equanimity.

“You look rather self-satisfied,” Peggy observed with wry amusement.

“I suppose that’s appropriate since that’s how I feel, but I probably ought to hide it a little better,” Connie replied with a grin.

“Quite,” Peggy replied with a roll of her eyes as they climbed the stairs to their adjacent rooms. “What has you suddenly looking so pleased?”

“I shall tell you once we’re private,” Connie whispered, and Peggy appeared suitably chastened.

“I do apologize,” Peggy said as soon as they were in Connie’s room with the door closed.

“Don’t be a goose. I just didn’t want to announce it on the stairs. You know how sound can sometimes travel in these large houses.”

“Which is why I apologized.”

“But there was no harm done so no need,” Connie insisted before hurrying to explain herself. “I spoke with Lady Adelaide while you were distracted with making calf’s eyes at your suitor.”

“Do say you’re jesting. I would never be so bold nor so vulgar.”

Connie laughed. “I might argue that statement but it’s not the point. Her ladyship said that she and I shall insist on being included in the investigation. I’m nearly beside myself with delight.”

Peggy stared at her friend. “I cannot fathom why. You are a strange, unnatural creature, my dear lady.”

Undeterred, Connie laughed again. “You are entitled to that opinion, and I shall even forgive you for it.”

“But, Constance, what if you run into danger? And what if Mr. Wagner really is involved, as you suspect? And what if he draws you further into scandal?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to find out if the bounder is involved? I already have no intention of allowing the man to court me, but all the less if he is involved in criminal activities,” she explained patiently. “But what do you mean by asking about drawing me in to FURTHER scandal? What scandal has he already drawn me into? I thought we had done quite well at keeping my name from any reproach.”

“Well of course we have, but not for lack of the man trying. By involving yourself into this question, you are only risking yourself. Quite needlessly, I might add.”

Connie knit her lips together and began to pace about the room. She didn’t want to argue with her companion, but she also couldn’t accept her assessment of the situation.

“I can see that you might have reason for concern. But I don’t think this is a needless endeavour. I do not have any desire to be a quiet, biddable female. I plan to live my life on my own terms, just as I always have. I do not see how you think this is any different.”

“I suppose you are right, it isn’t really any different than when you took it into your head to start travelling the world and declaring yourself a spinster at the ripe old age of twenty-one summers. As it stands now, you’re still not to the age that many ladies don’t yet consider themselves on the shelf. And yet you’ve been travelling for years now.” Peggy shook her head despite the fond smile on her face. “You are most unnatural, my dear.”