Page 82 of Vicious Kitten

She stops laughing, and her brows shoot up.

“Are you like… rich?”

I shake my head, chuckling. “Barely. When my mum passed, I got some money from her estate. Most of it went into this house. I invested the rest and let it earn a small income. I’m no millionaire, Kitten.”

“Good. In my experience, rich people are corrupt arseholes.”

I laugh again. She’s not wrong, although I’m sure there are many that are good people.

We fall silent for a few minutes. I watch as she walks around my space, looking at pictures on the walls of my sister and me when we were little and some of my niece. Then she stops to stare at one of me when I was probably the age she is now.

“You look different here.” She points to it. “Chicken legs.” Her grin is wide as she turns her head to look at me, and I smile. Fuck, I love having her here. I don’t want her to leave.

“Where’s your bedroom?” She asks, wagging her brows, and I shake my head, trying to bite back my smirk.

“Surely you are too sore to be considering bedroom activities after last night?”

She shrugs. “Maybe I just want to lie down and snuggle up in your arms and pretend I never have to leave.”

Her words match my thoughts only a moment ago, and I love that she wants that.

“I’d keep you if I could,” I admit, and her smile falls.

“When I’m old enough for you to keep me, will you?”

“If you let me, Kitten. I’ll keep you forever and never let you go.”

She closes the distance between us, tugging her cap off as she approaches, so I do the same.

“I let you.” She whispers, standing on her tiptoes as she clutches the front of my t-shirt. “Forever.”

I finish closing the distance, pressing my lips to hers as I wrap my arms around her small frame, tugging her close. As with every other time Rhys George is near, my dick goes impossibly hard, wanting in on the action. I ignore it, though. Tonight isn’t about sex. It’s just about us spending time together before I take her back to her four other boyfriends and she goes back to her life.

As I kiss her, I bend and lift her in my arms, cradling her to my chest as I make my way through the living area and across the glass-lined passageway that joins the main house with my private retreat.

You can’t see this part of the house from the front where you drive in, but you can glimpse it from the water, nestled behind the trees.

Striding across my bedroom, I ease Kitten down on my bed and hover over her as she steals more kisses from me, each brush of her lips branding her name into my soul.

When I break the kiss, her chocolate eyes are lust drunk, and with her natural face free of any makeup, she looks absolutely stunning. Leaning up on one hand, I stare at her, knowing I’ll never let her go. I’ll fight for us to be together. Fuck the age gap.

“You’re the most stunning woman to walk this earth.”

Immediately she gets uncomfortable from the compliment, but I cup the side of her face and lock my gaze with hers.

“It’s the gods' honest truth, baby. I will never lie to you.”

Pink tinges her cheeks then, and I feel the heat of the blush against the palm of my hand.

“In the spirit of being honest, we need to talk about telling the guys who you are.”

My brows dip in a frown, and I pull back, standing from my bed. “Not until you’re eighteen, Kitten.”

She sighs, sitting up before she is momentarily distracted by her surroundings.

“This is your bedroom?”

I look around at the greys and blacks that make my bedroom feel warm. The timber floor is a light colour, and the floating desk on the far wall has LED lights illuminating the underside of the cabinetry. There’s a large grey armchair in the corner that looks out over what you can see of the water through the trees, and next to it is a small round glass table that has a book resting on top about finding the warrior within.