Marcus’ family still struggles to accept that we have a thirty-three-year-old man hanging around us, but they are polite to him when he’s around, so I guess that’s something.
Garrett’s mum and sisters are fine with Ty, but Garrett’s mum did take Ty aside and gave him a stern talking to, although Ty has never revealed what she said. We were surprised by her backbone since she lacked it with her husband, but she has been going to counselling, and the sessions have been helping her to overcome her fears. It’s something Garrett is really proud of.
Shaun’s family are fine with it, given that Shaun’s dad is learning to accept all sorts of things these days, with Derek finally coming out of the closet last year. He even has a boyfriend now, which his dad acknowledges with a nod and a grunt.
It’s progress.
“I’m not kidding, guys. Conan is hard as hell right now.” Simon hisses so only we can hear, and I giggle.
“Keep him in your pants a bit longer, and I’ll be sure to give him attention as soon as we are done.”
“Promise, Cherry?”
“Yes, Sy. I promise.”
He beams, lifting his feet up and down faster as Shaun leans into my ear to whisper.
“Wanna watch me take his arse virginity?”
My brows shoot high, and I jerk back to look at Shaun.
“Don’t tease me, Cass.”
“No tease, Kitten. It’s long overdue. Don’t you think?” Shaun winks, and I nod.
“Hell yeah, it is.” I laugh and look back at Simon, who is too busy stomping in a circle to listen to our hushed conversation.
Concentrating on crushing the grapes gets harder as my mind goes to dirty places. Knowing my urgency, Shaun hurries us through the process before we finish up, and Derek and his fella take over. I give Gabriella a kiss on her cheek before we leave, and before I know it, we are pulling up outside Ty’s house, which seems to be our main hangout these days.
Once inside and up in the living area, I shoot Simon a grin and approach him.
“Sy. Today’s the day.” I say quietly.
“The day for what?” He frowns in confusion.
“The day you lose your arse virginity.”
This time his brows shoot high, disappearing under his blonde hair.
“Or not. It’s completely up to you, but Cass is keen if you are.” I smile and watch Simon drag his eyes from me to Shaun, who is approaching us.
“I’m up for it if you are, Hastings.” Shaun nudges him with his shoulder, and Simon’s face turns red, but he nods, and that’s all the confirmation I need.
I know Simon has been wanting this for a long time. He finally opened up to me a couple of months ago, telling me he wants to know what it’s like to be filled and completely consumed. I was so happy that he trusted me with that truth, and I’ve been giving him a couple of my fingers ever since, but it’s not enough. To get what he truly desires, he needs a good hard dick.
“Ok, before you do this, I need to ask if you want to be alone with Cass? Because that’s totally ok.”
Simon’s brows meet in the middle. “No, Cherry. I want you there. Always.”
“It’s ok if you want privacy, Sy. I can give you that if you want.”
“Cherry, I may want to be filled, but I’m gonna need you as a visual. Plus, I can’t imagine doing it without you. Anything I experience, I want you to be there for.”
I close the distance between us and cup his jaw before stealing a kiss. He instantly slides his hand around my back, tugging me close, and I feel his arousal straining between us. Heat pools between my legs, and Kitty lifts her arse in the air, wanting in on the action.
When I pull back, I study his face, which is full of admiration, and I smile. “You want it to be just us three, then? Or are you happy for the others to watch?”
He shrugs. “They can watch if they think they can hack it.” He wags his brows as Shaun throws his head back, laughing.