Page 8 of Vicious Kitten

Shaun takes the kit from me when I re-appear, and he sets to work on Ty while I reluctantly turn to look at my parents, who are taking in every little thing we do.

I take a deep breath and spill the whole truth to my parents. I tell them how I blackmailed Tyler. How he avoided me at the Feasts and had rules about us staying away from each other. I tell them about the punishment at the Feast and how I was coerced into having sex with Tyler. I include the night of the humiliation and how I was forced. Raped. Then I tell them how Master Hill has always wanted to get me alone, and I’ve always refused, except for tonight, because I was trying to protect Ty. Then I tell them how he responded when I said no, and how if Shaun weren’t there that the Master probably would have gotten his way.

“But why didn’t you just leave that place? No one was forcing you to stay there.” Cynthia frowns as she speaks, her dark brows pulling together as she tries to understand my world.

“You know who I am. Being banished from that place would feel like I was slowly dying. That’s how I would have felt at the time, anyway. Besides, we know Master has hidden cameras. He would have already had footage of us in the same vicinity. Being coerced into having sex with Ty felt like our only option because there was no way I was going to give myself to Master, and I couldn’t fathom a world where I couldn’t go to the one place I could be my true self. I wasn’t that upset about it, mum. I was… am extremely attracted to Ty. For me, it felt like a win.”

“I knew it was wrong, but Rhys is right.” Tyler rasps, “It’s easy to get swept up in things when you’re there. It’s a completely different world.”

“So, you had sex with one of your students in front of everyone? You defiled her in front of everyone?” My dad hisses, and my shoulders drop. I feel like we are going around in circles.

“Stop!” I yell. “He didn’t defile me. Jesus, you have already seen me being defiled last month when we were on that trip. You know what that looks like. Are you telling me that the video you saw was the same thing?”

“Well, the video is different. There were no bystanders, but at that Feast place you’re talking about, there were. How doIknow what he did to you there in front of everyone?” Dad yells back, and I huff.

“You need to trust what I’m telling you. Tyler has never disrespected me.”

“He was spanking you!” My dad’s bellow is loud, echoing off the walls of Tyler’s apartment.

“It’s a fucking kink, Will! Don’t act like you don’t have dirty sex with Cin! Does that mean you’re a deviate? No, it doesn’t.”

“But you’re only seventeen.” Will’s voice drops as emotions take over.

“Yes, and I was eleven when I unknowingly gave my virginity away. You know this about me. You know about my sexcapades. Fucking hell, I have sex at school most weeks.”

Cynthia glares at Ty. “Better not be in your office.”

“No!” Ty growls, sitting up taller. “I’ve never been intimate with Rhys away from the sex club.”

“You two don’t act like fuck buddies, Tyler! You obviously have more going on.” Cynthia acknowledges, glaring at Ty.

“I have never had relations with Rhys outside the property of the Feasts. Butyes,we have formed a bond. I care deeply for her.” Ty’s admission fills my chest with warmth, and I dart my eyes to Shaun, who is biting back a smirk. He’s loving this show of truth right now.

Will scoffs, “How the fuck can you care for her? She’s seventeen!”

“Are you serious? What? Am I not good enough to be cared about because I’m five months shy of being a legal adult? Can I not feel love because I’m not old enough? Is that what you’re saying? Have you forgotten that I’m not like normal girls, Will? I don’t adhere to social norms. I have five fucking boyfriends, for Christ’s sake.”

“You said that before, but you must be mistaken.” There is so much disbelief in my dad's tone that I just want to slap him.

“Five friends with benefits, you mean?” The fact that Cynthia is asking that, even after I admitted it earlier, pisses me off. Do they not believe anything I say? How can I make this clearer to her? To them?

“They aren’t friends with benefits. They aremyguys. I care about each of them. We have something special, and just because it’s not a typically normal relationship doesn’t mean it’s not one.”

“I don’t think I can hear anymore today. We should go. I need to figure out what to do next.” Cynthia turns to Will, who nods in agreement.

“You go. I’m staying.” I snap, and their glares turn back to me.

“Like hell you are.” Will snaps, and my brows shoot up.

“Unless you’re willing totryto physically remove me, then I’m staying.” I challenge Will, and he frowns.

“I’ll call the police. Then this pedo will be taken away, and you will have no choice.”

“Will!” Cynthia cries. And fuck am I glad she’s not agreeing with him.

“You’d really do that?” I ask Will as my fists ball at my sides. “Because you know if you do, I’ll never forgive you. Ever. I will never live in a home with adults that think the only way to get me to submit is by force. I’ve already had enough of that tonight, thanks. The last guy that did that to me is probably icing his balls right now.”

Shaun chuckles, and Ty curses.