Page 6 of Vicious Kitten

“It’s ok. No need to fuss over me.” Tyler mutters, but I ignore that bullshit. As if I’m not going to fuss over him.

I hear Shaun move behind us, and I shift to a kneeling straddle over Ty’s legs so I can get closer to him.

“Rhys. Get off Mr Foster now.”

“Just go, Cynthia. You and Will have done enough damage.” I mutter, hot tears spilling from my eyes as the reality of what just happened sinks in.

“What? No, I’m not leaving you.” Cynthia whimpers.

I risk a glance at Ty’s blue eyes and see that he’s watching me carefully. He’s too still. He should be fighting or ranting or something.

“You should go with your parents, beautiful.”

My bottom lip wobbles as my emotions almost become unbearable. “What?”

“Go with them. I’ll be ok.” He lifts his hand to my face, the pads of his fingers brushing over my swelling bruise.

“N-no. I’m not leaving you.”

“Given the situation, it might be best if you go with them.” His eyes soften with sympathy then, and I feel like he’s silently saying goodbye.

“You should listen to Mr Foster, Rhys. Don’t make things worse than they already are.” Cynthia tries to make me see sense again, but I shake my head, glancing over my shoulder at her.

“I’m not leaving Ty.”

She flinches when she sees my face again, her eyes honing in on the swelling bruise.

“William didn’t mean to do that.” She whispers, almost as if she’s trying to convince herself.

“Oh, this?” I stand from Ty’s lap and face my parents, pointing to my cheek. “Don’t worry, this isn’tallon Dad. There was already a bruise there given to me by another man from earlier tonight. Dad just added to it.”

“What?” Cynthia gasps, and Will’s eyes widen.

“Yeah, you know that video you obviously received? The man who sent that did this because I wouldn’t let him restrain me and fuck me up the arse.”

“Rhys!” Cynthia cries, anger flitting across her face.

“What? It’s the truth. You’re always on me about being honest. Well, that’s my honesty, Cynthia.” She flinches at my use of her name, obviously noticing that I’ve stopped calling her mum. “I guess his feelings are hurt because I saidno. So that video you saw is payback.” I laugh, but there’s no humour in it. “I guess the cat’s out of the bag now.”

“Let’s go home.” My dad stands from the barstool, his eyes avoiding Ty’s, or Shaun’s, who has come back into the room with the wet washer I requested.

“I’m not going anywhere withyou.” I glare at Will. “You’re a monster!”

“Rhys!” Cynthia scolds, and I glare at her, too.

“Look what he did!” I point to Tyler, slumped on the floor. “I have a right to refuse to be around anyone that is dangerous and abusive. I’mnotgoing to sit back and keep letting this stuff happen to me. It’snotok. People hurting me isnotok.”

“Your Dad never meant to hurt you.” She pleads with me, taking a step forward, but I take one back.

“But Willdidhurt me.” I see the way Will flinches when I don’t refer to him as Dad. “He hurt Ty and Shaun too.” I shake my head, trying to bite back the hot tears wetting my eyes. “I’m not going anywhere with him.”

“You can’t stay here, Rhys. This is illegal. You are only seventeen.” Cynthia looks like she wants to approach me, but she must think better of it. Smart woman.

“Tell me, what about my lifehasbeen legal? Was it legal when my mum used her unemployment money on drugs and then fed me food scraps from the rubbish bins of our neighbours? Was it legal when the foster homes I lived in used my body as a boxing bag or my fear as a weapon? Was it legal when Brian convinced me that his games were normal? Was it ok for him to take my virginity? Was it legal for Julie to film me with Brian and then send a fucking copy to my school friends? How about the spit roast you found me in last month? Those guys were well into their twenties. Did you call the cops on them and report them? No, you didn’t because you knew it would end up with me having to answer uncomfortable questions. And guess what? The cops would have concluded that I asked for it. I wanted to be fucked. I’m just another whore!”

“Stop it! You are not a whore, Rhys!” Cynthia cries, and I ignore the pang it sends to my heart.

“No? You don’t think I’m a whore for sleeping with those teachers at Redfield High? You don’t think I’m a whore for blackmailing Ty into getting me into a sex club? You don’t think I’m a whore for having five boyfriends at once, one of whom is my PE teacher?”