Page 146 of Vicious Kitten

“What’s happened?” I ask, and she sighs.

“It’s time, sweetie.”

My heart stops for a moment as her words sink in. “It’s time?”

“Yes. I’m on my way to get you.”

“Uh. Ok.” I mutter nervously. “Have you got the permit?”

“Yep. Got it. I’ll see you soon.”

“Ok. See you soon.” I hang up the call and sit frozen for a minute, staring at the screen.

“Kitten?” Ty asks, his voice laced with concern.

I glance up at him and then at Garrett as I wrap my head around what I’m about to do. I haven’t told the guys I’d planned to do this. I’m not sure why exactly. Perhaps I didn’t want to worry them, or perhaps I was scared they would try to talk me out of it.

I didn’t come to this decision lightly, though. I spoke with Melia about it and then to my parents, and they agreed to support me, knowing I needed closure.

“My mum is on her way to pick me up.” My eyes connect with Ty’s deep blue concerned gaze, and I cup his jaw. “I’m sorry, Ty. I need to go with my mum. But I’ll come right back afterwards.”

“Go where?” He places his warm palm over my hand, tilting his head into my touch.

I slowly drag my gaze from Ty to Garrett, then back to Ty. “I’m going to watch Brian die.”

Ty’s brows hitch high on his forehead, and another glance at Garrett shows the same expression.

“You’re going to watch him die?” Garrett asks, and I nod.

“Yes. The cancer has been getting worse, and we have been waiting for the call that his organs are starting to shut down so we would have enough time to get there. It’s happening now.”

“Shit.” Garrett rasps while Ty draws my eyes back to him.

“Are you sure about this, beautiful? Watching someone die is a hard thing to witness.”

I nod again, heat pricking the backs of my eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. I need this closure. I need to see him die.”

Ty studies me for a moment, his eyes dancing between mine, trying to read the truth in them. Then he nods.

“Ok, Kitten. You go and get that closure, and you come right back here because we have a little party planned for tonight.”

“A party? With who?”

“The other guys.” Garrett grins.

“But they aren’t eighteen yet.” I frown, and Ty chuckles.

“It’s not a sex party, Kitten. Just a regular party with cake and drinks and music. If the boy band behave, I might let them stay the night downstairs, but I’m keeping you to myself tonight in this bed. It’s been too long.” He shoots Garrett a glare, and Garrett chuckles, holding up his hands.

“Fine with me,Daddy.” He teases, and Ty growls at Garrett calling him Daddy.

My lips spread wide, and I leap on Ty as I grab Garrett’s arm, pulling them both in for a hug before I drag myself up to get ready.

It’s hard prying myself away from them, but I manage it with enough time to pee, throw some clothes on, tie my hair up and meet my mum as she pulls up.

The drive to the prison is long, but not as long as usual, since there are barely any cars on the road. It’s eerie. So strange to go from the chaotic world we were living in last week to now, with only a car or two passing by and a police roadblock, checking permits to go into the city.

When we finally get there, we have to wear face masks and use hand sanitiser after we enter each section of the prison. We are led to the prison’s medical centre, where Brian has been moved to for his final hours. If you ask me, they should have let him suffer in his cell and die on the cold, hard floor. Even a death like that doesn’t come close to what he deserves.